Gathers actuation data and sends it to the main control system.
- A0 - Controller Steering (PPM) - The steering output from the radio controller
- A1 - Controller Acceleration (PPM) - The acceleration output from the radio controller
- A2 - Autonomous Steering - The steering from the autonomous controller
- A3 - Autonomous Acceleration - The acceleration from the autonomous controller
- B12 - Enable Left (Digital) - Whether the left steering is enabled
- B13 - Enable Right (Digital) - Whether the right steering is enabled
- B14 - Autonomous Mode (Digital) - Whether the car is autonomous
- A6 - Right Steering (PWM)
- A7 - Left Steering (PWM)
- A8 - Control Enabled (Digital) - Whether the controller is enabled
- B0 - Acceleration (PWM)
- B15 - Reverse Acceleration (Digital) - Whether the acceleration is backwards
- C13 - Indicator Led (Digital) - Used as a visual indicator