Send requests from WooCommerce to endpoints of plugin admin_group_manager.
Will be necessary add two attributes, quota and apps. Quota will be send to API as string and apps will be send as array.
To send the value of an attribute to API, the Name
need to follow the pattern:
And the value, if type is array, will be separated by |.
When Go to "Producs"
And Edit the product that you want to integrate to Nextcloud
And Click at "Attributes"
And Click at "Add new"
And Fill "nextcloud-string-quota" at field "Name:"
# The size here need to be the same of other visible attribute that will be displayed to user
And Fill "1Gb" at field "Value(s):"
And Uncheck the field "Visible on the product page"
And Click at "Add new"
And Fill "nextcloud-list-apps" at field "Name:"
And Fill "libresign|deck" at field "Value(s):"
And Uncheck the field "Visible on the product page"
Then Click at "Save attributes"