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Jochen Staerk edited this page Dec 21, 2015 · 1 revision

Searching is demonstrated in Snippet 12, here is a sample how you can search and replace:

	String keywords[] = {"SearchItem1", "SearchItem2"};
	String keyvalues[] = {"ReplaceItem1", "ReplaceItem2"};
		for (int keywordIndex = 0; keywordIndex < keywords.length; keywordIndex++) {
			// replace all keywords by their respective keyValues
			// noa does not seem to support replacements(XReplaceable), so lets initiate a search and replace the occurences individually
			SearchDescriptor searchDescriptor = new SearchDescriptor(keywords[keywordIndex]);
			ISearchResult searchResult = this.parentWizard.getDocument().getSearchService().findAll(searchDescriptor);
			if(!searchResult.isEmpty()) {
				//...and now select the result
				ITextRange[] textRanges = searchResult.getTextRanges();
				for (int resultIndex=0; resultIndex<textRanges.length; resultIndex++) {
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