###A list of typefaces offered with standard Wordpress.com that properly support Romanian glyphs###
Wordpress.com offers 34 typefaces out of which only 20 correctly render the fairly small set of Romanian specific glyphs:
The call to action is simple: no need to try all of them out, one by one. You cand check compatibility using the table below. Check out Google Fonts/Typekit references on the right.
Typeface | ro | Notes | Google Fonts | Typekit | |
1. | Abril Fatface | yes | display heavy titling and text | G | T |
2. | Alegreya | yes | long-text, contemporary calligraphic serif | G | T |
3. | Alegreya Sans | yes | humanist sans-serif, long-text, calligraphic | G | x |
4. | Anonymous Pro | yes | fixed-width, coding | G | T |
5. | Arimo | yes | refreshing sans-serif for screens | G | T |
6. | Cherry Swash | no | x | G | x |
7. | Cinzel | no | x | G | x |
8. | Exo 2 | yes | contemporary geometric sans-serif | G | x |
9. | Fondamento | no | x | G | x |
10. | Gentium Book Basic | no | x | G | x |
11. | Karla | no | x | G | x |
12. | Lato | no | v1 @Google Fonts (no), v2 @Typekit (yes) | G | T |
13. | Libre (Baskerville) | yes | screen optimized serif, body text | G | x |
14. | Lobster Two | no | x | G | x |
15. | Lora | yes | balanced contemporary serif, body text | G | x |
16. | Merriweather | no | sturdy serif large x-height slightly condensed | G | T |
17. | Merriweather Sans | yes | low-contrast semi-condensed sans-serif | G | x |
18. | Montserrat | no | x | G | x |
19. | Muli | no | x | G | x |
20. | Noticia Text | yes | humanist slab serif | G | x |
21. | Noto Sans | yes | visually harmonious accross multiple languages | G | x |
22. | Noto Serif | yes | idem | G | x |
23. | Open Sans | yes | humanist sans serif | G | T |
24. | Oswald | no | historical "Alternate Gothic" style sans-serif | G | x |
25. | PT Sans | yes | Russian contemporary humanistic sans-serif | G | T |
26. | PT Serif | yes | transitional serif with humanistic terminals | G | T |
27. | Playfair Display | no | transitional serif | G | x |
28. | Quattrocento Sans | no | x | G | x |
29. | Roboto Slab | yes | friendly and open grotesk slab | G | x |
30. | Source Code Pro | yes | fully featured monospace | G | T |
31. | Source Sans Pro | yes | sans-serif designed for user interfaces | G | T |
32. | Tangerine | no | x | G | T |
33. | Ubuntu | yes | hinted for clarity sans-serif | G | T |
34. | Vollkorn | no | x | G | T |
use their core-latin siblings to compare:
on Google Fonts you can easily change the text sample; don't forget to specify your charset, lating-extended
however, on Typekit, special characters are auto-transformed into their base latin variants; the only way to test glyphs is on each font's page "Type Tester" tab
Web version coming soon.