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Made with bot.ts by ghom
CLI version: ^8.1.0
Bot.ts version: v8.0.0-Capi
Licence: ISC


Bot de gestion des Laboratoires, écrit en TypeScript avec le framework bot.ts.
This bot is private and cannot be invited in other servers.


You can find the documentation of bot.ts here.
Below you will find the specifications for lab-tools.

Configuration file

import { Config } from "#src/app/config.ts"
import { Emotes } from "#src/namespaces/emotes.ts"
import { z } from "zod"

export const config = new Config({
  ignoreBots: true,
  openSource: true,
  printNameOnReady: true,
  permissions: [],
  envSchema: z.object({
    OPENAI_API_KEY: z.string(),
  async getPrefix(message) {
    return import("#app").then((app) => app.prefix(message.guild))
  client: {
    intents: [
  paginatorEmojis: {
    start: Emotes.Left,
    previous: Emotes.Minus,
    next: Emotes.Plus,
    end: Emotes.Right,
  systemEmojis: {
    success: Emotes.CheckMark,
    error: Emotes.Cross,
    loading: Emotes.Loading,

export default config.options


Slash commands

  • /ask - Ask points to a member
  • /help - Show slash command details or list all slash commands
  • /hint - Try to help the author of the thread by generating a hint
  • /ping - Get the bot ping
  • /resolve - Mark as resolved a topic
  • /title - Generate a title for the thread from its content

Textual commands

  • active - Update the active list
  • autoRole - Manage the auto roles
  • backup - Manage database backups
  • ban - Ban a user from all labs
  • config - Display guild configs
  • database - Run SQL query on database
  • deploy - Deploy Lab Tool
  • elders - Fetch the new elders of the server
  • eval - JS code evaluator
  • fake - Fake an user message
  • fetch - Fetch all messages from a channel
  • format - Format the given code
  • help - Help menu
  • info - Get information about bot
  • invite - Generate an invitation link
  • labs - Get a lab invite link
  • leaderboard - Show all leaderboards
  • moveto - Move a conversation to another channel
  • point - Check your points
  • prefix - Edit or show the bot prefix
  • rating - Rate a user or a bot
  • remind - The remind command
  • restart - Restart Lab Tool
  • terminal - Run shell command from Discord
  • todo - Manage todo tasks
  • turn - Turn on/off command handling



  • messageCreate - Record sent messages
  • ready - Start an interval to update the active list








  • ready - Send restart messages





Using pg@latest as database.
Below you will find a list of all the tables used by lab-tools.

  • active - Active users in a guild
  • autoRole - Auto roles in a guild
  • guild - Guild settings
  • labs - Laboratory list
  • message - All messages sent by users in a guild
  • point - Point reward logs
  • note - Rating of a user by another user
  • restart - Restart message for the deploy command
  • todo - To-do list for users
  • user - User data


This is dynamic, it will update itself with the latest information.
If you see a mistake, please report it and an update will be made as soon as possible.

  • Used by: 12 Discord guilds
  • Last update date: 7/25/2024