Releases: LernerLab/GuPPy
Releases · LernerLab/GuPPy
- Support for Doric system file (.csv and .doric)
- storenames GUI changed, designed it in a way which is less error prone
- Saving of input parameters is not required for doing the analysis
- Visualization GUI changed
- user-defined for number of cores used
- added cross-correalation computation
- two user-defined parameters for transients detection
- artifacts removal can be done with two different methods
- compute negative peaks along with positive peaks in a user-defined window
- Support for Neurophotometrics data
- Option for binning of PSTH trials
- Option to carry out analysis without using isosbestic control channel
- Plot to see control fitted channel to signal channel
- Selection and deletion of chunks with specific keys in artifacts removal
- Option to change moving average filter window
- Option to compute variations of z-score based on different computation method.
- Faster computation speed for PSTH computation step
- Minor bug fixes
- No need of Jupyter Notebook to run GuPPy
- Storenames GUI now suggest names for storenames based on user’s past input
- 'csv' file can be used as inputs for isosbestic control channel, signal channel and TTLs too
- Minor Bug Fixes
- multiple windows for peak and AUC computation
- bug fix for searching a file name irrespective of lower-case of upper-case
It is the GuPPy's first release for people to use and give us feedbacks on it