Contains an example VueJS application, on build it gets packaged into a webcomponent (see main.js)
import Vue from "vue";
import wrap from "@vue/web-component-wrapper";
import App from "./App.vue";
// Parse sources, requirements and build a shadowdom tree.
const wrappedElement = wrap(Vue, App);
// Register a custom element on the destination context.
window.customElements.define("kuzzle-plugin", wrappedElement);
Is a minimalistic static server in NodeJS, it exposes the /dist/< plugin name > folder that should contain our wc packaged (dist) VueJS app.
Another NodeJS static server, it exposes the app folder containing a simple index.html file and a app.js script that where the magic happends.
- It initializes a Kuzzle SDK instance and exposes it on the window.
- Connects to the Kuzzle Backend.
- Using loadJs, we load known 'exposed plugins' into the current site as a package.
- Creates and appends the newly registered web-component into the page.
// Instantiate a 'global' kuzzle sdk.
window.kuzzle = new KuzzleSDK.Kuzzle(
new KuzzleSDK.WebSocket('A REAL KUZZLE SERVER URL HERE', { sslConnection:true })
kuzzle.on('networkError', error => {
console.error('Network Error: ', error)
kuzzle.on('connected', () => {
console.log('Successfully connected to Kuzzle')
(async() => {
await kuzzle.connect()
loadjs(['http://your-distant-service:4000/plugin/kuzzle-plugin/kuzzle-plugin.js'], 'kuzzle-plugin-bundle');
loadjs.ready('kuzzle-plugin-bundle', function() {
let plugin = document.createElement('kuzzle-plugin');
npm install
everywhere. -
Update the base/app.js file, your kuzzle host and your local distant(plugin server) url.
Build the app in the plugin folder with:
npm run build -- --target wc --name kuzzle-plugin src/App.vue
Copy the generated dist folder into a new folder < plugin-name > in the distant/dist folder.
Launch both the distant and base services, with
node server
Now you can access directly the distant to see the 'standalone' plugin micro-frontend. Or the base to check the injected version of it.
- Γredev 2017 - Gustaf Nilsson Kotte - MicroΒservice Websites
- Micro Frontends by Cam Jackson - Run-time integration via Web Components
- Declarative client-side transclusion with h-include
- LoadJS
- Create a web-component with VueJS
- VueJS Build targets