This extension for Doctrine 2 is inspired by Hibernate Envers and allows full versioning of entities and their associations.
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If you think you found a bug or you have a feature idea to propose, feel free to open an issue after looking at the contributing guide.
This package is available under the LGPL license.
There are a bunch of different approaches to auditing or versioning of database tables. This extension creates a mirroring table for each audited entitys table that is suffixed with "_audit". Besides all the columns of the audited entity there are two additional fields:
- rev - Contains the global revision number generated from a "revisions" table.
- revtype - Contains one of 'INS', 'UPD' or 'DEL' as an information to which type of database operation caused this revision log entry.
The global revision table contains an id, timestamp, username and change comment field.
With this approach it is possible to version an application with its changes to associations at the particular points in time.
This extension hooks into the SchemaTool generation process so that it will automatically create the necessary DDL statements for your audited entities.
Simply run assuming you have composer:
$ composer require sonata-project/entity-audit-bundle
Finally, enable the bundle in the kernel:
// config/bundles.php
return [
SimpleThings\EntityAudit\SimpleThingsEntityAuditBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Load extension "simple_things_entity_audit" and specify the audited entities
# config/packages/entity_audit.yaml
- MyBundle\Entity\MyEntity
- MyBundle\Entity\MyEntity2
If you need to exclude some entity properties from triggering a revision use:
# config/packages/entity_audit.yaml
- created_at
- updated_at
In order to work with other connection or entity manager than "default", use these settings:
# config/packages/entity_audit.yaml
connection: custom
entity_manager: custom
Call the command below to see the new tables in the update schema queue.
./bin/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql
For standalone usage you have to pass the entity class names to be audited to the MetadataFactory instance and configure the two event listeners.
use Doctrine\ORM\Configuration;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Doctrine\Common\EventManager;
use SimpleThings\EntityAudit\AuditConfiguration;
use SimpleThings\EntityAudit\AuditManager;
use Sonata\EntityAuditBundle\Tests\ArticleAudit;
use Sonata\EntityAuditBundle\Tests\UserAudit;
$auditConfig = new AuditConfiguration();
$auditConfig->setAuditedEntityClasses([ArticleAudit::class, UserAudit::class]);
$auditConfig->setGlobalIgnoreColumns(['created_at', 'updated_at']);
$eventManager = new EventManager();
$auditManager = new AuditManager($auditConfig);
$config = new Configuration();
// $config ...
$connection = [];
$entityManager = EntityManager::create($connection, $config, $eventManager);
Querying the auditing information is done using a SimpleThings\EntityAudit\AuditReader
use SimpleThings\EntityAudit\AuditReader;
class DefaultController extends Controller
public function indexAction(AuditReader $auditReader)
In a standalone application you can create the audit reader from the audit manager:
$auditReader = $auditManager->createAuditReader($entityManager);
This command also returns the state of the entity at the given revision, even if the last change to that entity was made in a revision before the given one:
$articleAudit = $auditReader->find(
$id = 1,
$rev = 10
Instances created through AuditReader#find()
are NOT injected into the EntityManagers UnitOfWork,
they need to be merged into the EntityManager if it should be reattached to the persistence context
in that old version.
$revisions = $auditReader->findRevisions(
$id = 1
A revision has the following API:
class Revision
public function getRev();
public function getTimestamp();
public function getUsername();
$changedEntities = $auditReader->findEntitiesChangedAtRevision(10);
A changed entity has the API:
class ChangedEntity
public function getClassName();
public function getId();
public function getRevisionType();
public function getEntity();
$revision = $auditReader->getCurrentRevision(
$id = 3
Each revision automatically saves the username that changes it. For this to work, the username must be resolved.
In the Symfony web context the username is resolved from the one in the current security context token.
You can override this with your own behaviour by configuring the username_callable
service in the bundle configuration.
Your custom service must be a callable
and should return a string
or null
# config/packages/entity_audit.yaml
username_callable: acme.username_callable
In a standalone app or Symfony command you can set an username callable to a specific value using the AuditConfiguration
$auditConfig = new \SimpleThings\EntityAudit\AuditConfiguration();
$auditConfig->setUsernameCallable(function () {
$username = //your customer logic
return username;
A default Symfony controller is provided that gives basic viewing capabilities of audited data.
To use the controller, import the routing (don't forget to secure the prefix you set so that only appropriate users can get access)
# config/routes.yaml
resource: "@SimpleThingsEntityAuditBundle/Resources/config/routing/audit.xml"
prefix: /audit
This provides you with a few different routes:
- Displays a paginated list of revisions, their timestamps and the user who performed the revisionsimple_things_entity_audit_viewrevision
- Displays the classes that were modified in a specific revisionsimple_things_entity_audit_viewentity
- Displays the revisions where the specified entity was modifiedsimple_things_entity_audit_viewentity_detail
- Displays the data for the specified entity at the specified revisionsimple_things_entity_audit_compare
- Allows you to compare the changes of an entity between 2 revisions
- Currently only works with auto-increment databases
- Proper metadata mapping is necessary, allow to disable versioning for fields and associations.
- It does NOT work with Joined-Table-Inheritance (Single Table Inheritance should work, but not tested)