This package is used to bring up the ROS 2 nodes of the AutomatePro.
(bool, default:true
): Enable NTRIP client node.enable_gnss
(bool, default:true
): Enable GNSS node.enable_imu
(bool, default:true
): Enable IMU node.enable_cam1
(bool, default:true
): Enable Camera 1 node.enable_cam2
(bool, default:true
): Enable Camera 2 node.config_dir
(str, default:""
): Path to the configuration directory. (Optional) Only required if you want to override the configuration files.
ros2 launch automatepro_bringup \
enable_ntrip_client:=true \
enable_gnss:=true \
enable_imu:=true \
enable_cam1:=true \
enable_cam2:=true \