DhcpServerLibrary is a Robot Framework test library for testing a DHCP client.
This library allows Robot Framework to interact with a dnsmasq DHCP server, and to process DHCP events coming from DHCP clients, using Robot Framework keywords
Currently, only dnsmasq is supported as DHCP server, and it must be installed separately from this library (see below). RobotFramework will then be able to be notified when leases are added, updated and deleted from dnsmasq
DhcpServerLibrary is open source software licensed under Apache License 2.0.
This RobotFramework library uses dnsmasq as a DHCP server.
dnsmasq is indeed able to notify, via D-Bus signals, any change in its lease file (addition/renewal or deletion of a lease)
dnsmasq is available in most distributions, for example, under Debian, you will only have to install the dnsmasq package.
The DhcpServerLibrary takes care of starting and stopping dnsmasq on the network interface specified in the test.
It is thus not needed to configure dnsmasq on your OS before using this library.
Moreove, it is mandatory not to have dnsmasq running in your init scripts (in /etc/rc*.d/S??dnsmasq)
Due to a current shortcoming inside dnsmasq, D-Bus signals issued by dnsmasq do not contain the detail of the network interface that is concerned by lease modification messages.
This means that the DhcpServerLibrary will intercept all notifications of all dnsmasq processes running on the test machine (if these instances have the option enable-dbus in their configuration file)
DhcpServerLibrary will thus build a knowledge of all DHCP leases it is aware of, even if some leases are possibly not in the scope of the network interface on which DhcpServerLibrary started a dnsmasq instance. This might not have any impact on the test, but it is better to avoid having more than one instance of dnsmasq running on the test machine to avoid DHCP lease poisonning.
Because of this usage restriction, the DhcpServerLibrary library currently uses the very same PID file than the one provided by the Debian init script, because we assume there should be only one dnsmasq running at any time.
In the same way, the DhcpServerLibrary library does not allow to be run more
than once concurrently. This is guaranteed by an exception raised if the keywork
is run twice without having run the keyword Stop
in the
First, get a working instance of dnsmasq running on the machine that will also run Robot Framework.
To install this libary, run the ./setup.py install
command locate inside the
Once this library is installed, you can use it with the following python import: import rfdhcpserverlib.DhcpServerLibrary
In order to allow the D-Bus messages used by DhcpServerLibrary (on the system bus), you will need to setup the permissions accordingly.
Here is a sample permission file to save in /etc/dbus-1/system.d:
<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC
"-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN"
<policy context="default">
<allow own="uk.org.thekelleys.dnsmasq"/>
<allow send_destination="uk.org.thekelleys.dnsmasq"/>
The following RobotFramework keywords are made available by this library: Note: it is advised to go directly inside the python code's docstrings (or via RIDE's online help) to get a detailed description of keywords).
Start the DHCP server
Note: a network interface must be either:
- have been provided using
Set Interface
prior to callingStart
- be provided as an argument to
Stop the DHCP server
Warning: It is really mandatory to call Stop
each time Start
called. Thus, the best is to take the habit to use Stop
in the teardown
(in case a test fails)
Equivalent to Start
Set the network interface on which the Start
Restart Monitoring Server
keywords will be applied
eg: eth1
Get the network interface configured using Set Interface
Stop monitoring DHCP leases updates on the DHCP server
Note: This will not stop the DHCP server itself, but once this keyword is used,
the DhcpServerLibrary will not take into account updates to DHCP leases anymore
(until Restart Monitoring Server
is used)
This means that even after using Stop Monitoring Server
, the keyword
must be run before RobotFramework terminates (or the dnsmasq process
will carry on running)
Restart monitoring DHCP leases updates on the DHCP server (that would have
been stopped using Stop Monitoring Server
Sets lease duration on the DHCP server
Note: This keyword will have no impact if invoked after keyword Start
(lease duration can also be provided as an optional argument of keyword
Dump all known leases into RobotFramework logs
Search a IP address lease associated with the specified MAC address
If a DHCP lease exists for this MAC address, the corresponding IP address is returned. Otherwise, None is returned (but the keyword will not fail)
Wait until a DHCP lease is allocated the the DHCP client with the specified MAC address
A optional timeout can be provided to set a maximum wait duration. If no timeout is provided, this keyword will immediately return (and will succeed of fail immediately) Returns the IP address for the lease
Forget about all DHCP client learnt by the DhcpServerLibrary until now
(useful just before keyword Check Dhcp Client On
and Check Dhcp Client Off
Makes sure a DHCP client currently has a valid lease or does get one within the timeout provided as argument
If a timeout of 0 is provided, the check is performed immediately on the current
lease database.
If not timeout is provided, but Set Lease Time
has been invoked before,
half a DHCP lease will be used as timeout (because DHCP client typically need to
renew their lease at half the lease time).
If not timeout is provided, and Set Lease Time
has not been invoked before,
and exception will be raised.
Makes sure a DHCP client currently has not valid lease and does not get one within the timeout provided as argument
If a timeout of 0 is provided, the check is performed immediately on the current
lease database.
If not timeout is provided, but Set Lease Time
has been invoked before,
half a DHCP lease will be used as timeout (because DHCP client typically need to
renew their lease at half the lease time).
If not timeout is provided, and Set Lease Time
has not been invoked
before, and exception will be raised.
Running the DHCP serer dnsmasq requires root access rights.
RobotFramework typically does not run as root. We thus use sudo to start dnsmasq from the DhcpServerLibrary:
- DhcpServerLibrary.py is the RobotFramework library package, its main class being DhcpServerLibrary This module runs in the RobotFramework process, with the same user rights It will spawn a child DHCP dnsmasq process (via sudo) and will then monitor DHCP event via D-Bus
dnsmasq provides all information to DhcpServerLibrary via D-Bus signals on the SYSTEM bus, under the object path /org/uk.thekelleys/dnsmasq
This object implemetns a service interface called org.uk.thekelleys.dnsmasq
The following D-Bus signals are sent by dnsmasq (when configured using enable-dbus):
when a DHCP lease is allocated to a DHCP clientDhcpLeaseUpdated
when a DHCP lease is renewed by a DHCP clientDhcpLeaseDeleted
when a DHCP lease is lost by a DHCP client
The following D-Bus method is also invoked by DhcpServerLibrary on dnsmasq:
: To get the version of dnsmasq
It is possible du trace D-Bus messages sent on interface