Releases: Lauszus/FaceRecognitionApp
Releases · Lauszus/FaceRecognitionApp
FaceRecognitionApp 1.2.3
- Fixed support for Android NDK r18, as gnustl has been removed
- Make the image square, so it does not crash on phones with different aspect ratios - see: #25
- Add double tap to flip camera gesture
- Update Eigen to 3.3.5
- Update Gradle to 4.6
- Use Android SDK 28
FaceRecognitionApp 1.2.2
- Setting android:required="false", so the app is listed correctly on Google Play
FaceRecognitionApp 1.2.1
- Split up the APK depending on the achitecture
- Automatically upload a zip directory with the project including all dependencies when doing a release
- Always assume that the app is not running on an emulator if it is a release build
FaceRecognitionApp 1.2
- Fixed bug where the the faces were not trained when the app was loaded
- Prevent crashes by only allowing one of each AsyncTask to run at the same time
- Limit the maximum number of images, so the app is still usable even if the user keeps adding images to the database
- Show more information about background tasks to the user
FaceRecognitionApp 1.1
Allow the user to use the back camera as well
FaceRecognitionApp 1.0
First release