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Lesson 14 (SQL Part 1)

Sally Steuterman edited this page Jul 28, 2020 · 1 revision

Lesson 14: Databases and SQL

In the prep work this week, the students learned

  1. What a relational database is.
  2. What SQL is and why it is important.
  3. How to perform CRUD operations on a database.
  4. How joins work.


  1. Students are over half way done with Unit 2. Give them a shout out!
  2. Graded Assignment #4 covers the material from Classes 14-17. As always, encourage the students to take the time to read through the whole assignment and see what they can get started on now.
  3. Check with your course manager for any important announcements.

Large Group Time (Instructor)

Lesson 14 Topics That Require Careful Attention

  1. Review what a relational database is. Databases seem simple, but can be kind of weird. Go over how tables store one type of info and are connected to each other.
  2. Review the different CRUD operations and reiterate warnings for updating and deleting data.
  3. Joins can be conceptually odd. Take the time on each one to go over a query and have students discuss what the result set might look like before sharing the result set.
  4. Review the studio!
  5. Before students head out for studio time, let students know that if they had issues installing MySQL and/or MySQL Workbench, resolving those issues come first!

Small Group Time: Lesson 14 Studio (TA Notes)

  1. Help students who had issues with installations get going!
  2. Remind your students to follow the sequence of the instructions. If they don't, it is very easy to get tripped up later!
  3. The first sections go over setting up the database in MySQL Workbench. Try to check in with any students who are done with this to make sure they did it correctly! If they didn't and try to start querying, a lot of different errors can arise!
  4. There are two examples for setting up the movies table. Students must follow the SECOND one to get through the studio. The second one sets up a foreign key.