Analyzer that dumps:
- G4 stage particles information (Truth)
- Energy depositions
- DetSim [channels, ADCs, energy, tracks view]
- Reco Info
You can configure to run all the analyzer or create the trees you are interested in in MyAnalysis.fcl:
TreesToWrite: [["Truth"], ["DetSim"], ["Reco"]]
ProductsToDump: [
["largeant", "", "simb::MCParticle", "G4_MCtruth"], # Gen: Montecarlo truth info from Generator Stage (particle PDG, original positions... etc)
["IonAndScint", "", "sim::SimEnergyDeposit", "EDep"], # Edep: Energy deposited in the detector
["tpcrawdecoder", "daq", "raw::RawDigit", "RawDetSim"], # DetSim:
["tpcrawdecoder", "simpleSC", "sim::SimChannel", "SimDetSim"], # DetSim:
["pandora", "", "recob::PFParticle", "Reco"], #Reco
["pandoraTrack", "", "recob::Track", "Reco"], #Reco
["pandoraShower", "", "recob::Shower", "Reco"] #Reco
The .fcl file is configured to dump the information in a ROOT file.
source /cvmfs/
source localProducts_larsoft*/setup
setup larsoft v09_63_00 -q e20:prof
lar -c run_MyAnalysis.fcl -s <input_file> -n <number_of_events>