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andrey-helldar committed Dec 20, 2024
1 parent 51af1af commit 34a1e4f
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Showing 3 changed files with 27 additions and 27 deletions.
46 changes: 23 additions & 23 deletions locales/ku/json.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,15 +9,15 @@
":days day trial": ":days roj ceribandin",
":resource Details": ":resource Details",
":resource Details: :title": ":resource Agahdarî: :title",
"A decryption key is required.": "A decryption key is required.",
"A decryption key is required.": "Mifteya deşîfrekirinê pêwîst e.",
"A fresh verification link has been sent to your email address.": "Zencîreyek verastkirinê ya nû ji navnîşana e-nameya we re hate şandin.",
"A new verification link has been sent to the email address you provided during registration.": "Zencîreyek verastkirinê ya nû ji navnîşana e-nameya ku we di dema qeydkirinê de peyda kiriye re hate şandin.",
"A new verification link has been sent to the email address you provided in your profile settings.": "Zencîreyek verastkirinê ya nû ji navnîşana e-nameya ku we di mîhengên profîla xwe de peyda kiriye re hate şandin.",
"A new verification link has been sent to your email address.": "Zencîreyek verastkirinê ya nû ji navnîşana e-nameya we re hate şandin.",
"Accept Invitation": "Vexwendname qebûl bikin",
"Action": "Çalakî",
"Action Event": "Action Event",
"Action Events": "Action Events",
"Action Event": "Çalakî Event",
"Action Events": "Çalakî Events",
"Action Happened At": "Bûye li",
"Action Initiated By": "Destpêkirin By",
"Action Name": "Nav",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
"Are you sure you want to force delete the selected resources?": "Ma hûn guman dikin ku hûn dixwazin bi zorê çavkaniyên hilbijartî jêbirin?",
"Are you sure you want to force delete this resource?": "Ma tu bi rastî dixwazî ​​vê çavkaniyê bi zorê jê bikî?",
"Are you sure you want to log out?": "Ma tu bi rastî dixwazî ​​derkevî?",
"Are you sure you want to mark all notifications as read?": "Are you sure you want to mark all notifications as read?",
"Are you sure you want to mark all notifications as read?": "Ma hûn pê bawer in ku hûn dixwazin hemî agahdarî wekî xwendinê nîşan bikin?",
"Are you sure you want to remove this item?": "Ma hûn pê bawer in ku hûn dixwazin vê babetê rakin?",
"Are you sure you want to restore the selected resources?": "Ma hûn pê bawer in ku hûn dixwazin çavkaniyên hilbijartî vegerînin?",
"Are you sure you want to restore this resource?": "Ma tu bi rastî dixwazî ​​vê çavkaniyê vegerînî?",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
"Central African Republic": "Komara Navendî ya Afrîkayê",
"Chad": "Çad",
"Change Subscription Plan": "Plana Tevlêbûnê biguherînin",
"Change the current payment method attached to your subscription": "Change the current payment method attached to your subscription",
"Change the current payment method attached to your subscription": "Rêbaza dravdana heyî ya ku bi abonetiya xwe ve girêdayî ye biguhezînin",
"Changes": "Changes",
"Checkout": "Lêkolîn",
"Chile": "Şîlî",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
"Delete all notifications": "Hemî agahdariyan jêbirin",
"Delete API Token": "Token API jêbirin",
"Delete File": "Pelê jêbirin",
"Delete Notification": "Delete Notification",
"Delete Notification": "Agahdariyê jêbirin",
"Delete Resource": "Çavkaniyê jêbirin",
"Delete Selected": "Hilbijartî jêbirin",
"Delete Team": "Tîmê jêbirin",
Expand All @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
"Dominican Republic": "Komara Domînîkî",
"Done.": "Kirin.",
"Download": "Download",
"Download Invoice": "Download Invoice",
"Download Invoice": "Daxistina fatûra",
"Download Receipt": "Daxistina Meqbûzê",
"Drop file or click to choose": "Pelê davêjin an bikirtînin ku hilbijêrin",
"Drop files or click to choose": "Pelan davêjin an bikirtînin ku hilbijêrin",
Expand All @@ -247,13 +247,13 @@
"Email Address": "Navnîşana emailê",
"Email Addresses": "Navnîşanên E-nameyê",
"Email Password Reset Link": "Girêdana Vegerandina Şîfreya E-nameyê",
"Email Verification": "Email Verification",
"Email Verification": "Verification Email",
"Enable": "Bikêrkirin",
"Encrypted environment file already exists.": "Encrypted environment file already exists.",
"Encrypted environment file not found.": "Encrypted environment file not found.",
"Encrypted environment file already exists.": "Pela hawîrdora şîfrekirî jixwe heye.",
"Encrypted environment file not found.": "Pelê hawîrdora şîfrekirî nehat dîtin.",
"Ensure your account is using a long, random password to stay secure.": "Piştrast bikin ku hesabê we şîfreyek dirêj û rasthatî bikar tîne da ku ewle bimîne.",
"Environment file already exists.": "Environment file already exists.",
"Environment file not found.": "Environment file not found.",
"Environment file already exists.": "Dosya jîngehê jixwe heye.",
"Environment file not found.": "Pelê jîngehê nehat dîtin.",
"Equatorial Guinea": "Gîneya Ekwatorê",
"Eritrea": "Erître",
"Error": "Şaşî",
Expand All @@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
"ex VAT": "ex VAT",
"Excel (.xlsx)": "Excel (.xlsx)",
"Expires :expiration": "Diqede :expiration",
"Export As CSV": "Export As CSV",
"Export As CSV": "Wek CSV derxînin",
"Extra Billing Information": "Agahiyên Billing Extra",
"Extra confirmation is needed to process your payment. Please continue to the payment page by clicking on the button below.": "Ji bo pêvajoya dravdana we pejirandinek zêde hewce ye. Ji kerema xwe bi tikandina li ser bişkoka jêrîn bi rûpela dravdanê bidomînin.",
"Failed Subscription Payment": "Tezmînata Abonetê Serneket",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
"Guinea-Bissau": "Gîne-Bîsaû",
"Guyana": "Guyana",
"Haiti": "Haîtî",
"Having second thoughts about cancelling your subscription? You can instantly reactivate your subscription at any time until the end of your current billing cycle. After your current billing cycle ends, you may choose an entirely new subscription plan.": "Having second thoughts about cancelling your subscription? You can instantly reactivate your subscription at any time until the end of your current billing cycle. After your current billing cycle ends, you may choose an entirely new subscription plan.",
"Having second thoughts about cancelling your subscription? You can instantly reactivate your subscription at any time until the end of your current billing cycle. After your current billing cycle ends, you may choose an entirely new subscription plan.": "Di derbarê betalkirina abonetiya xwe de ramanên duyemîn hene? Hûn dikarin di her kêliyê de heya dawiya çerxa fatûreya xweya heyî tavilê abonetiya xwe ji nû ve çalak bikin. Piştî ku çerxa fatûreya weya heyî qediya, hûn dikarin plansaziyek bi tevahî nû ya abonetiyê hilbijêrin.",
"Having second thoughts about cancelling your subscription? You can instantly reactive your subscription at any time until the end of your current billing cycle. After your current billing cycle ends, you may choose an entirely new subscription plan.": "Di derbarê betalkirina abonetiya xwe de ramanên duyemîn hene? Hûn dikarin tavilê di her kêliyê de heya dawiya çerxa fatûreya xweya heyî tavilê reaktîf bikin. Piştî ku çerxa fatûreya weya heyî qediya, hûn dikarin plansaziyek bi tevahî nû ya abonetiyê hilbijêrin.",
"Heard Island & Mcdonald Islands": "Girava Heard û Giravên McDonald",
"Heard Island and McDonald Islands": "Girava Heard û Giravên McDonald",
Expand All @@ -336,9 +336,9 @@
"Increase": "Zêdekirin",
"India": "Hindistan",
"Indonesia": "Endonêzya",
"Invalid filename.": "Invalid filename.",
"Invalid filename.": "Navê pelê nederbasdar e.",
"Invalid JSON was returned from the route.": "JSON nederbasdar ji rêyê hat vegerandin.",
"Invoices": "Invoices",
"Invoices": "Faturên",
"Iran, Islamic Republic Of": "Iran",
"Iran, Islamic Republic of": "Îran, Komara Îslamî ya",
"Iraq": "Iraq",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
"Leave": "Terikandin",
"Leave Team": "Ji Tîmê derkevin",
"Lebanon": "Lubnan",
"length": "length",
"length": "dirêjî",
"Lens": "Nîsk",
"Lesotho": "Lesoto",
"Liberia": "Lîberya",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -410,7 +410,7 @@
"Managing billing for :billableName": "Birêvebirina fatûreya ji bo :billableName",
"March": "Adar",
"Mark all as Read": "Hemî wekî xwendin nîşan bide",
"Mark all notifications as read": "Mark all notifications as read",
"Mark all notifications as read": "Hemî agahdarî wekî xwendinê nîşan bikin",
"Mark Read": "Mark Read",
"Mark Unread": "Mark Nexwendî",
"Marshall Islands": "Giravên Marşalê",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
"Scroll to bottom": "Scroll ber bi jêr",
"Scroll to top": "Scroll to top",
"Search": "Gerr",
"Secure Area": "Secure Area",
"Secure Area": "Herêma Ewle",
"Select": "Neqandin",
"Select a different plan": "Planek cûda hilbijêrin",
"Select a log file...": "Pelê têketinê hilbijêrin...",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -714,7 +714,7 @@
"The response is not a view.": "Bersiv ne nêrînek e.",
"The selected country is invalid.": "Welatê hilbijartî nederbasdar e.",
"The selected plan is invalid.": "Plana hilbijartî nederbasdar e.",
"The selected resources have been :action!": "The selected resources have been :action!",
"The selected resources have been :action!": "Çavkaniyên hilbijartî :action bûne!",
"The team's name and owner information.": "Navê tîmê û agahdariya xwediyê.",
"There are no available options for this resource.": "Ji bo vê çavkaniyê vebijarkên berdest nîn in.",
"There are no fields to display.": "Zeviyên ji bo nîşandanê tune.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -787,7 +787,7 @@
"Use a recovery code": "Koda hilanînê bikar bînin",
"Use an authentication code": "Kodek erêkirinê bikar bînin",
"User Actions": "Çalakiyên Bikarhêner",
"Username": "Username",
"Username": "Navê bikarhêner",
"Uzbekistan": "Ozbekistan",
"Value": "Giranî",
"Vanuatu": "Vanûatû",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -841,15 +841,15 @@
"Your card was declined. Please contact your card issuer for more information.": "Qerta te hat redkirin. Ji kerema xwe ji bo bêtir agahdarî bi belavkerê karta xwe re têkilî daynin.",
"Your current payment method is a credit card ending in :lastFour that expires on :expiration.": "Rêbaza dravdana weya heyî qerta krediyê ye ku di :lastFour-ê de diqede û di :expiration-ê de qediya ye.",
"Your email address is unverified.": "Navnîşana e-nameya we nehatiye piştrast kirin.",
"Your last payment of :amount failed. Please update your payment method to retry the failed payment.": "Your last payment of :amount failed. Please update your payment method to retry the failed payment.",
"Your last payment of :amount failed. Please update your payment method to retry the failed payment.": "Dravdana weya paşîn a :amount têk çû. Ji kerema xwe rêbaza dravdana xwe nûve bike da ku dravdana têkçûyî ji nû ve biceribîne.",
"Your last payment of :amount on :date failed. Please update your payment method to retry the failed payment.": "Dravdana weya paşîn a :amount li ser :date têk çû. Ji kerema xwe rêbaza dravdana xwe nûve bikin da ku dravdana têkçû dîsa biceribîne.",
"Your next payment of :amount will be processed on :date.": "Dravdana weya paşîn a :amount dê di :date de be.",
"Your payment method has been added successfully.": "Rêbaza dravdana we bi serkeftî hate zêdekirin.",
"Your payment method will be charged automatically for each billing period.": "Rêbaza dravdana we dê ji bo her heyama fatûreyê bixweber were xerckirin.",
"Your registered VAT Number is :vatNumber.": "Hejmara weya VAT ya qeydkirî :vatNumber e.",
"Your subscription has been started successfully.": "Abonetiya we bi serkeftî dest pê kir.",
"Your subscription has been successfully cancelled.": "Abonetiya we bi serkeftî hate betal kirin.",
"Your subscription has been successfully cancelled. You will still have access until the end of your billing period.": "Your subscription has been successfully cancelled. You will still have access until the end of your billing period.",
"Your subscription has been successfully cancelled. You will still have access until the end of your billing period.": "Abonetiya we bi serkeftî hate betal kirin. Hûn ê hîn jî heya dawiya heyama fatûreya xwe bigihîjin we.",
"Your subscription was successfully resumed.": "Abonetiya we bi serkeftî ji nû ve dest pê kir.",
"Your subscription was successfully updated.": "Abonetiya we bi serkeftî hate nûve kirin.",
"Zambia": "Zambiya",
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions locales/ku/php-inline.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"boolean": "Divê ev qad rast an derew be.",
"can": "Di vê qadê de nirxek bêdestûr heye.",
"confirmed": "Ev erêkirina zeviyê li hev nayê.",
"contains": "This field is missing a required value.",
"contains": "Ev qad nirxeke pêwîst winda ye.",
"date": "Ev qad ne dîrokek derbasdar e.",
"date_equals": "Divê ev zevî dîrokek bi qasî :date be.",
"date_format": "Ev qad bi formata :format-ê re nayê hev.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
"required_array_keys": "Di vê qadê de divê navnîşên ji bo: :values.",
"required_if": "Dema ku :other bibe :value ev qada pêdivî ye.",
"required_if_accepted": "Dema ku :other were pejirandin ev qada pêdivî ye.",
"required_if_declined": "This field is required when :other is declined.",
"required_if_declined": "Dema ku :other were red kirin ev qada pêdivî ye.",
"required_unless": "Vê zeviyê pêdivî ye ku heya :other di :values de ne.",
"required_with": "Dema ku :values hebe ev qada pêdivî ye.",
"required_with_all": "Dema ku :values hebin ev qada pêdivî ye.",
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions locales/ku/php.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"boolean": "Divê qada :attribute rast an derewîn be.",
"can": "Di qada :attribute de nirxek bêdestûr heye.",
"confirmed": "Pejirandina :attribute li hev nayê.",
"contains": "The :attribute field is missing a required value.",
"contains": "Qada :attribute nirxek pêwîst winda ye.",
"current_password": "Şîfre çewt e.",
"date": ":attribute ne dîrokek derbasdar e.",
"date_equals": "Divê :attribute dîrokek bi :date re wekhev be.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
"required_array_keys": "Di qada :attribute de divê navnîşên ji bo: :values hene.",
"required_if": "Dema ku :other bibe :value qada :attribute hewce ye.",
"required_if_accepted": "Dema ku :other were pejirandin qada :attribute hewce ye.",
"required_if_declined": "The :attribute field is required when :other is declined.",
"required_if_declined": "Dema ku :other were red kirin qada :attribute hewce ye.",
"required_unless": "Heya ku :other di :values de nebe qada :attribute hewce ye.",
"required_with": "Dema ku :values hebe qada :attribute hewce ye.",
"required_with_all": "Dema ku :values hebin qada :attribute hewce ye.",
Expand Down

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