re-complete is a text completion library for re-frame applications
This library provides the possibilty to set trim-chars
and case-sensitive?
through options. Using the trim-chars
the user can describe which type of characters he wants to ignore at the beginning and at the end of the word.
For example, if the trim-chars
has a value "()"
, the first eligible item of the input to autocomplete
will be the first item after the (
or )
If the trim-chars
is not set, the first item of the input to autocomplete in this particular case is (
The list of the items to autocomplete is empty because in my autocompletion-data I don't have any words starting on (
The case-sentitive?
option has a default value false
. So if you want your autocomplete to be case
sensitive, you should set case-sensitive? true
The re-complete library has only few functions:
For setting the options
you need to dispatch
your options
All dispatch functions takes as argument :linked-component-key
(name for the input) and options
(dispatch [:options list-name options])
For setting the dictionary
you need to dispatch your dictionary
(list of your autocomplete options).
This dispatch function takes as arguments linked-component-key
(name for the input) and dictionary
(dispatch [:options list-name dictionary])
The last item you need to dispatch is your input
This dispatch function takes as arguments linked-component-key
(name for the input) and input
(dispatch [:options list-name input])
((dispatch [:options "vegetable" {:trim-chars "()",}])
(dispatch [:dictionary "vegetable" '("broccoli" "asparagus" "appricot" "cale")])
(fn []
[:input {:type "text"
:value ""
:on-change (fn [event]
(dispatch [:input "vegetable" (.. event -target -value)]))}]]]
[re-complete/completions "vegetable]]))
When the change of input occurred (for example we will write a
to input), in our app-state we will have
{:re-complete {:linked-components
{:vegetable {:text ""
:change-index 0
:current-word "a"
:completions ["appricot" "asparagus"]
:dictionary '("broccoli" "asparagus" "appricot" "cale")
:options {:trim-chars "()",
:case-sensitive? false}}}}}
The last function we need is completions
This function displays list of the items for autocompletition. After click on the item, the item is placed in the right position in text.
If you want to use custom callback function, you can add it as additional optional argument to completions
takes as an argument linked-component-key
- name of the input and optional argument onclick-callback
[re-complete/completions "vegetable"]]
The re-completion-list
function renders ul
with class re-completion-list
and li
items with class re-completion-item
Enjoy the library!
Copyright © 2016
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.