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AWS IoT MQTT Broker connection

Francois Normandin edited this page Apr 1, 2024 · 1 revision

Sorry for the French screenshots. I think it is self-explanatory.

1- Connect to your AWS account and select IoT Core. image

2- You will need your IoT endpoint on AWS: The URI for connection of your IoT nodes.

This looks something like this: This URI is linked to your AWS account. You should be able to ping it from the command line. ping (I modified my address, so don't bother to try this one, it leads to nowhere!)

3- Next, you need to Amazon Root Certificate, to authenticate the server. Download the PEM from this location:


4- You will need your X.509 certificate and a private key. Follow the steps to create one automatically. Download the cert and private pem key.

5- Finally, you need to register a "Thing", get your Thing's ID (arn:aws:iot:...). Create a policy and attach it to your certificate. image


Download the key and cert:



You'll need a policy image

Now that you have all this information, you can connect easily with the MQTT Connection.

Wire everything like this snippet. You should use the TCP connection add-on and inject that connection into your MQTT Client code. image