- The core of the program is now based on 1906.04625, where the general gauge couplings RGEs are presented up to the 3-loop order.
- Python 3 compatibility
- Drastic improvement of the performances (for two-loop computations, the running time may be reduced from a few hours to a few seconds / minutes)
- The structure of the model file has been rethought, and in particular the implementation of the Lagrangian. New features are available.
- Major improvements to the PyLie group-theoretical module (better performances + new functionalities)
- Some other new features, among which : coupling substitutions, Yukawa matrices assumptions, VeV running.
- An interface with the Mathematica package FeynRules (1310.1921) is under development.
- Python ≥ 3.6
- PyYAML ≥ 5.3
- Sympy ≥ 1.5
- h5py ≥ 2.10
- Numpy ≥ 1.18
- Scipy ≥ 1.4
- Matplotlib ≥ 3.1
The only thing to do is to clone this repository, and begin working in PyR@TE 3's main folder.
PyR@TE is a Python code that computes the renormalization group equations (RGEs) for any renormalizable non-supersymmetric model. After the gauge groups, the particle content and the Lagrangian have been defined in a model file, PyR@TE calculates the RGEs for all of the couplings at the one- or two-loop level, and up to the three-loop level for gauge couplings.
An official documentation is available at 2007.12700. In addition, two example notebooks are provided with the software and can be found in doc/
explains some of the general features of PyR@TE 3 and shows how to run it ;PyLieDatabase.ipynb
explains how to interact with PyLie's database and to use Clebsch-Gordan coefficients (CGCs) when building a Lagrangian.
Note: When using the 3-loop gauge results, please consider citing 1906.04625 in addition to 2007.12700.
For suggestions, bug reports or any comments please contact the author at :
sartore at lpsc.in2p3.fr