//core code
python 2.7 (for now)
// layout algorithm
// visualization
firefox for web based browsing
gephi for graph editing and manipulation
git clone --recursive https://github.com/aswarren/pangenome_graphs.git
cd pangenome_graphs
pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: fam_to_graph.py [-h] [--no_function] [--layout] [--output OUTPUT]
[--rfgraph RFGRAPH] [--diversity {genus,species}]
[--patric_figfam | --patric_plfam | --patric_pgfam | --generic]
[--context {genome,contig,feature}]
[--ksize {3,4,5,6,7,8,9}]
[feature_files [feature_files ...]]
positional arguments:
feature_files Files of varying format specifing group, genome,
contig, feature, and start in sorted order. stdin also
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--no_function No functions as labels. Keep file size smaller.
--layout run gephi layout code for gexf
--output OUTPUT the path and base name give to the output files. if
not given goes to stdout
--rfgraph RFGRAPH create rf-graph gexf file at the following location
--diversity {genus,species}
calculate diversity quotient according to given taxa
--patric_figfam PATRIC feature file in tab format
--patric_plfam PATRIC feature file in tab format
--patric_pgfam PATRIC feature file in tab format. selecting pgfams
--generic table specifying the group, genome, contig, feature,
and start in sorted order
--context {genome,contig,feature}
the synteny context
--ksize {3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
the size of the kmer to use in constructing synteny
python fam_to_graph.py --layout --output data/BrucellaInversion/test_psgraph.gexf --patric_pgfam ./data/BrucellaInversion/*.tab
Resulting gexf files can be opened in Gephi or through the JS visualizer distributed with Panaconda. Files can be loaded from local disk but Chrome currently restricts this. To run the javascript based visualizer locally you can use python to host a webserver and use a URL to view the data.
To do this:
cd viewer/gexf-js/
Soft link or copy a gexf file you want to view into the gexf-js folder. e.g. ln -s ../../data/BrucellaInversion/psgraph.gexf ./brucellainversion.gexf
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
In firefox navigate to http://localhost:8080/index.html#brucellainversion.gexf
Examples from the paper https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2017/11/08/215988
Zipped versions can be found in the data directory.
These data can also be found and manipulated at PATRIC BRC (currently requires free account) at the following https://patricbrc.org/workspace/public/[email protected]/Panaconda/PanSyntenyExamples
Currently the most conveniently accessible supported format is PATRIC's feature tab format. Groups can be downloaded from the "feature tab" in PATRIC.