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GARSA was develped using Python3 and aims to semi-automate the main steps for Genome Wide Association Study and Polygenic Risk Score analysis

For now, GARSA only works with Linear Mixed Models (LMM) for populations with continuous traits and related samples.
We aim to improve GARSA functionalities over time, requests and bug reports should be made in the Issues session on this page.


1. Python3 
    -- pandas 1.4.3+
    -- os 
    -- matplotlib 3.5.2+
    -- subprocess 
    -- numpy 1.22.3+
    -- sys 
    -- argparse 
    -- textwrap 
    -- shutil 
    -- time 
    -- gzip 
    -- seaborn 0.11.2
    -- assocplots 0.0.2 --> pip3 install
    -- scipy 1.7.3
2. R 4.1.2
    -- SeqArray
    -- SNPRelate
    -- ggplot2
    -- GENESIS
    -- dplyr
    -- SeqVarTools
    -- rgl
    -- tidyr
    -- reshape
    -- genio
    -- tidyverse
    -- tibble
    -- optparse
    -- remotes
    -- bigsnpr
3. Pre-installed in the GARSA-env
    -- Plink
    -- Plink2
    -- BCFTools 1.15.1
4. Tools precompiled and available with the pipeline
    -- AdMixture
    -- FlashPCA
    -- GCTA
    -- Bolt-lmm
    For those tools it is only necessary to provide a path if the provided precompiled tool is not working


  1. Download or clone this repository: git clone

Before starting, update conda with conda update -n base -c conda-forge conda
Then clean your unused conda packages and caches with conda clean -i -p -t

  1. Install GARSA dependencies with the provided conda environments (.yml) located at ~/GARSA/modules/scripts/
#GARSA environment
conda env create -f GARSA-env.yml

#bolt-lmm environment
conda env create -f boltlmm.yml

Remember to activate the environment before running the GWAS module with the bolt-lmm flag

  1. Install R and some python dependencies in the GARSA environment
conda activate GARSA-env

pip3 install

R -q -e 'install.packages("genio", repos="", dependencies=T)'

R -q -e 'remotes::install_github("privefl/bigsnpr")'

The GARSA-env uses aorund 2.3Gb of disk space after complete instalation using conda

After GARSA instalation run chmod +x from the main GARSA folder to make it executable
GARSA can be added to your path by adding export PATH=path/to/GARSA:$PATH to your .bashrc or .bash_profile file in your home folder


We provide the necessaire datasets for Bolt-lmm, LDPred2 execution, alongside the long-range LD prunning data for both hg37 and hg38.

Also, for large database downloads we provide the script download_db
This script will download the dbSNP database (version b151) in VCF format and the corresponding indexing file (.tbi)

The downloaded data is placed in the ~/GARSA/databases folder

Database Size
dbSNP Hg37 15.7 Gb
dbSNP Hg38 16.3 Gb
Bolt-lmm data 101.2 Mb
LDPred2 data 45,9 Mb
long-range regions Hg37 732 b
long-range regions Hg38 888 b


Once all the dependencies and envrionments are in place, running the GARSA pipeline should be relatively simple.
The main GARSA module ( wraps all the available modules, which can be called independently.

usage: [-h]

This script integrates each analysis of the FOXCONN pipeline
dedup			-- Runs the desduplication analysis, removing duplicated SNPs or multiallelic variants
update_rsID		-- Runs the update of all (possible) rsIDs using hg19 or hg38 references
rename_sample_id	-- Runs an update of samples ID
quality_control		-- Runs the quality control script for SNPs
quality_ind		-- Runs Quality control for individuals with missing data
kinship			-- Runs Kinship analysis and correction for admixture populations
PCA			-- Runs PCA and population analysis
GWAS			-- Runs GWAS analysis using GCTA or BOLT-LMM software
PRS 			-- Runs PRS analysis using LDPred2
extrapol_PRS		-- Runs the extrapolation of PRS data from the PRS module to new cohorts
download_db		-- Download the database needed for the update_rsID module

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

The pipeline can be executed in any order and the inputs do not need to be generated by the pipeline. The user only need to be carfull with the correct formating for inputs.

Each GARSA module is run separately. For exemple, a simple SNP quality control run goes as follows: quality_control -vcf path/to/data.vcf.gz --score_type r2 -o output/folder/path --threads 4

Detailed usage for each module


Before the analysis starts, we recommend to check which individuals have the desired phenotype (to be used in the GWAS) and filter the dataset -- e.g. keep genotype data only for the samples with phenotype data.

This will prevent errors in the GWAS and PRS modules. Both those modules require the phenotype data for all individulas in the analysis for correct execution.

This step requires a list of all samples containing the desired phenotype formatted as FID IID (or IID IID). Where FID and/or IID are sample ID.

After all preparaionts simply run: plink1.9 --vcf file.vcf --keep list_of_samples_with_phenotype.txt --recode vcf bgz --out selected_dataset


GARSA uses plink for many of the pipeline steps, and so it is necessary that your VCF is correctly formatted as FID_IID (or IID_IID).

For this we provide the module rename_sample_id, this module should be used for corret formatting of your VCF.

For this module to work, the user need to provide a table formatted as OLD SAMPLE ID NEW SAMPLE ID as follows:

sample1 FID1_IID1 or IID1_IID1
sample2 FID2_IID2 or IID2_IID2
... ...

From this simply run rename_sample_id -vcf path/to/data.vcf.gz -table path/for/formatted_table.csv -o output/folder/path

The output VCF will be written to the provided output path with the added suffix .Nsamples

Module options

usage: [-h] -vcf VCF_FILE -table SAMPLE_TABLE [-bcftools BCFTOOLS_PATH] [-o OUTPUT_FOLDER] [--threads THREADS]

This script updates the Sample IDs of a VCF file, for this the user must provide a tab or comma separated file with Old sample ID on the first column and the New sample ID in the seconda column

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -vcf VCF_FILE, --vcf_file VCF_FILE
                        File for processing, requierd for script execution
  -table SAMPLE_TABLE, --sample_table SAMPLE_TABLE
                        File with OLD_SAMPLE_ID<tab>NEW_SAMPLE_ID
  -bcftools BCFTOOLS_PATH, --bcftools_path BCFTOOLS_PATH
                        Path for the bcftools executable, requierd for script execution -- default is to look for the variable on path
  -o OUTPUT_FOLDER, --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER
                        Wanted output folder (default: current output folder)
  --threads THREADS     Number of computer threads -- default = 1

Deduplication Module (desdup)

This module will remove all non-biallelic and duplicated variants. This step ensures that there are no multiallelic variants, that are not supported in GWAS and PRS analysis.

In this step the user should provide only a VCF file, correctly formatted like described before. dedup -vcf path/to/data.vcf.gz -o output/folder/path

Module options

usage: [-h] -vcf VCF_FILE [-bcftools BCFTOOLS_PATH] [-o OUTPUT_FOLDER] [-plink2 PLINK2_PATH] [--threads THREADS]

This is a script to identify and remove duplicated SNPs

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -vcf VCF_FILE, --vcf_file VCF_FILE
                        File for processing, requierd for script execution
  -bcftools BCFTOOLS_PATH, --bcftools_path BCFTOOLS_PATH
                        Path for the bcftools executable, requierd for script execution -- default is to look for the variable on path
  -o OUTPUT_FOLDER, --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER
                        Wanted output folder (default: current output folder)
  -plink2 PLINK2_PATH, --plink2_path PLINK2_PATH
                        Path for the plink2 executable, requierd for script execution -- default is to look for the variable on path
  --threads THREADS     Number of computer threads -- default = 1

The outputed VCF file has the .unique suffix

Update rsIDs module (update_rsID)

This module will annotate the users variants using the dbSNP dataset. The user should provide a VCF file and the correct human assembly (hg37 or hg38) version. In this step GARSA will attempt to flip and swap variants in relation to the reference to guarantee correct annotations.

python3 update_rsID -vcf path/to/data.vcf.gz -ref_hg hg38 -o output/folder/path

Module options

usage: [-h] [-vcf VCF_FILE] [-ref_hg REF_BUILD] [-bcftools BCFTOOLS_PATH] [-plink2 PLINK2_PATH] [-plink PLINK_PATH] [-o OUTPUT_FOLDER] [-rm_tmp] [--threads THREADS]

This is a script to update SNP rsIDs (for hg19). This script assumes that your file name have the pattern chr[1-22], e.g project_name_chr12.extensions

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -vcf VCF_FILE, --vcf_file VCF_FILE
                        File for processing, requierd for script execution
  -ref_hg REF_BUILD, --ref_build REF_BUILD
                        Select the human genome build version -- hg37 or hg38, default=hg37
  -bcftools BCFTOOLS_PATH, --bcftools_path BCFTOOLS_PATH
                        Path for the bcftools executable, requierd for script execution -- default is to look for the variable on path
  -plink2 PLINK2_PATH, --plink2_path PLINK2_PATH
                        Path for the Plink2 executable, requierd for script execution -- default is to look for the variable on path
  -plink PLINK_PATH, --plink_path PLINK_PATH
                        Path for the Plink1.9 executable, requierd for script execution -- default is to look for the variable on path
  -o OUTPUT_FOLDER, --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER
                        Wanted output folder (default: current output folder)
  -rm_tmp, --rm_temp_files
                        Force keeping temporary files (Files may be quite large) -- default: Delete temporary files
  --threads THREADS     Number of computer threads -- default = 1

The outputed VCF will have the suffix *.RSIDs.vcf.gz

Variant quality control

In this module GARSA will perform variant quality control, using user provided parameters. It is possible to filter imputed data based on both INFO scores, and R2 scores (usually the output of the Michigan Imputation Server - MIS). Also, we provide a flag for the usage o Hanrdy-Weinberg equilibrium, depending on the dataset it should be applied, but varies from study to study (see more here).

Main flags for variant quality filtering

-geno --> Controls the amount of missing data allowed per variant (default is 5% (e.g. 0.05)) -maf --> Controls the Minor Allel Frequency threshold for the population (default is 1% (e.g. 0.01)) -HWE (combined with --use_hardy) --> Controls the threshold of significance for Hardy-Weinberg desiquilibrium (default is 1e-6) -R2 or -INFO (combined with --score_type) --> Controls the thersold for imputation score

python3 quality_control -vcf path/to/data.vcf.gz -geno 0.05 -maf 0.01 --use_hardy -HWE 1e-6 --score_type r2 -R2 0.8

usage: [-h] -vcf VCF_FILE [-bcftools BCFTOOLS_PATH] [-plink2 PLINK2_PATH] [-o OUTPUT_FOLDER] [-geno GENO_PLINK] [-maf MAF_PLINK] [-HWE HARDY] [-use_HWE] [-R2 R_SQUARED] [-INFO INFO_SCORE]
                 [--score_type SCORE_TYPE] [--no_score] [--threads THREADS]

This is a script runs standard QC process for imputed datasets

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -vcf VCF_FILE, --vcf_file VCF_FILE
                        File for processing, requierd for script execution
  -bcftools BCFTOOLS_PATH, --bcftools_path BCFTOOLS_PATH
                        Path for the bcftools executable, requierd for script execution -- default is to look for the variable on path
  -plink2 PLINK2_PATH, --plink2_path PLINK2_PATH
                        Path for the plink2 executable, requierd for script execution -- default is to look for the variable on path
  -o OUTPUT_FOLDER, --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER
                        Wanted output folder (default: current output folder)
  -geno GENO_PLINK, --geno_plink GENO_PLINK
                        Threshold value for SNP with missing genotype data -- default=0.05
  -maf MAF_PLINK, --maf_plink MAF_PLINK
                        Threshold value for minor allele frequency (MAF) -- default=0.01
  -HWE HARDY, --hardy HARDY
                        Check for SNPs which are not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) -- default=1e-6
  -use_HWE, --use_hardy
                        Define if the HWE analysis will be run -- default:False
  -R2 R_SQUARED, --r_squared R_SQUARED
                        Imputation r-squared threshold value -- default >= 0.8 (Use this flag when dataset was imputed using MIS (Michigan Imputation Server))
                        Imputation INFO score threshold value -- default >= 0.5 (Use this flag when dataset was imputed using IMPUTE5)
  --score_type SCORE_TYPE
                        Select r2 or info for imputation score filter -- default: r2
  --no_score            Dataset with no imputation score -- default: False
  --threads THREADS     Number of computer threads -- default = 1

The output from this module recieves the suffix *.R2andQC

Befor the next steps we recommend that the user concatenate all chromosomes into one VCF file. Sugestion --> bcftools concat -Oz -o concatenated_file.vcf.gz chr{1..22}.vcf.gz

This suggestion for concatenation aims to guarantee correct sample quality control, and avoid generating chromosome files with different samples filtered

Sample quality control

This module of GARSA will filter samples based on missingness and heterozygosity rates. Missingness will check for individuals with high missing genotype rates. High heterozygosity rates indicates low sample quality, and low rates might be related to inbreeding. With this, the heterozygosity is calcualted for all samples and the samples that deviates 3 standard deviations from the mean are filtered out.

python3 quality_ind -vcf path/to/data.vcf.gz -mind 0.1

usage: [-h] -vcf VCF_FILE [-plink PLINK_PATH] [-mind MIND_PLINK] [--threads THREADS] [-o OUTPUT_FOLDER]

This is a script runs standard QC process for imputed datasets

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -vcf VCF_FILE, --vcf_file VCF_FILE
                        File for processing, requierd for script execution
  -plink PLINK_PATH, --plink_path PLINK_PATH
                        Path for the plink(1.9) executable, requierd for script execution -- default is to look for the variable on path
  -mind MIND_PLINK, --mind_plink MIND_PLINK
                        Threshold value for individuals with missing genotype data -- default=0.1
  --threads THREADS     Number of computer threads -- default = 1
  -o OUTPUT_FOLDER, --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER
                        Wanted output folder (default: current output folder)

The output of this module recieves the suffix *.MIND.HET

Kinship with correction for admixed populations

This step requires the genio R package, reamember to install it!

This is a module that is suitable only for users with admixed populations (like the Brazilian population), other populations (like UKBB) can use the regular kinship calculations in the GWAS step using the flag --make_king when using GCTA. Otherwise, BOLT-LMM will automatically calculate the kinship matrix.
The input VCF is LD prunned before the start of the kinship calculations.
In this analysis the kinship values are calculated by the SNPRelate library in R and then corrected using PCA for population structure corretion.
For more details check Conomos et. al (2016).

python3 kinship -vcf path/to/data.vcf.gz --degree 2

usage: [-h] -vcf VCF_FILE [-plink PLINK_PATH] [-o OUTPUT_FOLDER] [--window_size WINDOW_SIZE] [--sliding_window_step SLIDING_WINDOW_STEP] [--prune_r2 PRUNE_R2] [--degree DEGREE]
                                 [--threads THREADS]

This is a script to run kinship analysis and correct the values using population stratification

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -vcf VCF_FILE, --vcf_file VCF_FILE
                        File for processing, requierd for script execution
  -plink PLINK_PATH, --plink_path PLINK_PATH
                        Path for the plink(1.9) executable, requierd for script execution -- default is to look for the variable on path
  -o OUTPUT_FOLDER, --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER
                        Wanted output folder (default: current output folder)
  --window_size WINDOW_SIZE
                        Window size for prunning step -- default = 1000
  --sliding_window_step SLIDING_WINDOW_STEP
                        Sliding Window step -- default = 50
  --prune_r2 PRUNE_R2   R2 value for prunning-- default = 0.03
  --degree DEGREE       Degree for relatedeness (INT --> 1, 2 or 3) -- default = 2nd degree [2]
  --threads THREADS     Number of computer threads -- default = 1

Here 3 main outputs are generated and can be analyzed by the user:

  1. Kinship_corrected.tsv --> Kinship table (all against all) with corrections for admixed population
  2. e RKinship_for_grm.grm.bin --> Required input files for GWAS module, if using the -gcta flag
  3. Related_at_degree[1,2 or 3].txt --> File with all related individuals, necessary for the PCA module

PCA module

This module runs PCA analysis in 5 main steps:

  1. Uses FlashPCA on the unrelated dataset (generated in the kinship module) and outputs, alongside the PCs for each sample, laoding values for each SNP
  2. From the loadings, search for outlier SNPs that might introduce bias to the analysis and remove those
  3. After that, run a new PCA analysis without the outlier SNPs in the same unrelated population --> In this step, GARSA tries to ensure PCA values with reduced bias. For more information refer to Florian Privé, 2017
  4. Project the PCs on the related dataset
  5. Run a "DeNovo" admixed analysis for identification of best N of populations --> this generates a colored graphical output that the user can check for the number of informative PCs

In this step, it is necessary to provide the file Related_at_degree[1,2 or 3].txt. If the user opted not to run the kinship module, the necessary file is formated as a tabular file (separeted by "\t") with no header. The first column contains the FID and the second the IID (or IID and IID) of the realted samples found in the kinship analysis of choice.





The Related_at_degree[1,2 or 3].txt or the user provided file explained above should be passed in the flag -related

The flag --garsa_path should be ignored. It is a workaround some limitations of the Admixture tool

python3 PCA -vcf path/to/data.vcf.gz -realted Related_at_degree2.txt

usage: [-h] -vcf VCF_FILE [-plink PLINK_PATH] [-o OUTPUT_FOLDER] -related RELATED_FILE [--window_size WINDOW_SIZE] [--sliding_window_step SLIDING_WINDOW_STEP]
                       [--prune_r2 PRUNE_R2] [--Hg HG] [--admixture_K ADMIXTURE_K] [--threads THREADS]

This script runs PCA for non-related individualas and projects to related individuals

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -vcf VCF_FILE, --vcf_file VCF_FILE
                        File for processing, requierd for script execution
  -plink PLINK_PATH, --plink_path PLINK_PATH
                        Path for the plink(1.9) executable, requierd for script execution -- default is to look for the variable on path
  -o OUTPUT_FOLDER, --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER
                        Wanted output folder (default: current output folder)
  -related RELATED_FILE, --related_file RELATED_FILE
                        File from the kinship module with all related individuals
  --window_size WINDOW_SIZE
                        Window size for prunning step -- default = 1000
  --sliding_window_step SLIDING_WINDOW_STEP
                        Sliding Window step -- default = 50
  --prune_r2 PRUNE_R2   R2 value for prunning-- default = 0.03
  --Hg HG               Hg version for use -- 38 or 37. Default=37
  --admixture_K ADMIXTURE_K
                        Max number of population for admixture análise; Default=10
  --threads THREADS     Number of computer threads -- default = 1

Ex. usage:

For default, the max K for the admixture analysis is 10. To change this behavior use --admixture_K.

For this step there are 4 main outputs:

  1. table_for_plot.tsv --> Table with PC information, predicted population and Sample ID for all samples
  2. <file_name>_PCA_total.txt --> Output with all the information about the PCs for related and unralted samples
  3. PC_plots_PCA1.pdf --> File with all PCA plots for user visualization
  4. R_kinship_for_GRM.grm.bin and --> The user can provide this file in the GWAS module if using gcta

GWAS module

In this step the user must provide a phenotype, covariates (covar), quantitative covariates (qcovar) and kinship files for correct execution.
It is possible to provide only covar OR qcovar files, but the phenotype file is mandatory.

Those files must be formated as shown below, and can be used in both GCTA and BOLT-LMM strategies.

We recommend the use of GCTA for populations with sample size lower than 5000 individuals and BOLT-LMM for populations with sample size higher than 5000 individuals

The flag --bh_correction uses Benjamini-Hochberg p-value correction for multiple tests, even if some work uses this FDR correction it may overcorrect the p-values. So we recommend NOT using this flag, and by default GARSA will perform p-value correction using Genomic Inflation.

For the BOLT-LMM run, GARSA will generate a list of Independent SNPS using LD-Prunning from the plink1.9 tool with the following parameters --indep-pairwise 50 5 0.08

If the user wishes to provide its own list of prunned SNPs, plesase do so using the flag --independent_snps. The accepted file uses the same format as the plink * output file. This is, one SNP ID per line in a text file. If using plink simply provide the file This allows the user to control what they consider as being Independent SNPs.

Note Important to notice that BOLT-LMM calculates it's own kinship matrix and do not provide a way to input the corrected one calculated above.
For heritability estimates check the log from either BOLT or GCTA runs

Phenotype file:

FID IID phenotype
10001 10001 117
10002 10002 83

Just like the files from Plink, we use as input the FID on the first column and IID on the second. That is the reason for the FID_IID format mentioned above. This pattern is kept during the whole analysis.

covariable file:

In this example only "sex" is used as qualitative covariable. Important: For this analysis, if the user whish to use more covariables, order them after the "sex" covariable on the file (keeping it on the third columns as showed below).

10001 10001 1
10002 10002 2

qcovar file (quantitative covariable): On this file, we use the PCs generated above, file <file_name>_PCA_total.txt. This file is already correctly formated.
If the user wishes, more quantitative covariables can be added to this file.

10001 10001 0.06 -0.07 0.01
10002 10002 0.009 -0.1 0.008

Example using both covar and qcovar files

Note Important to reamember is that the user can select either '-gcta' or '-BoltLmm'
Also the gcta mode for GWAS accepts the corrected kinship matix using the flag -kinship and providing the path for the generated .grm. files. The user should provide only the prefix of the files, without the extension .grm.*.*

Remember to activate the boltlmm environment before running the GWAS module with the bolt-lmm flag --> conda activate boltlmm

python3 GWAS -vcf path/to/data.vcf.gz -pheno -qcovar data_PCA_total.txt -covar -gcta -kinship R_kinship_for_GRM

Example using only the qcovar file

python3 GWAS -vcf path/to/data.vcf.gz -pheno -qcovar data_PCA_total.txt -gcta -kinship R_kinship_for_GRM

Example using only the covar file

Warning Not using the qcovar file migth introduce bias related to popualtion structure in the analysis!

python3 GWAS -vcf path/to/data.vcf.gz -pheno -covar -gcta -kinship R_kinship_for_GRM

Example running the GCTA kinship calculation (no correction applied)

python3 GWAS -vcf path/to/data.vcf.gz -pheno -qcovar data_PCA_total.txt -covar -gcta --make-king

usage: [-h] [-vcf VCF_FILE] [-plink PLINK_PATH] [-bfile PLINK_BINARY_PREFIX] [-pheno PHENOTYPE_FILE] [-qcovar QUANTITATIVE_COVAR] [-covar COVAR] [-kinship KINSHIP_GRM] [--make_king] [-o OUTPUT_FOLDER]
               [-gcta] [-ind_snps INDEPENDENT_SNPS] [--bh_correction] [-BoltLmm] [-BoltLD BOLTLD_FILE] [--threads THREADS]

This is a script to GWAS analysis and plot the results with Manhattam plot

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -vcf VCF_FILE, --vcf_file VCF_FILE
                        File for GWAS analysis, required if user dont have Plink binary files
  -plink PLINK_PATH, --plink_path PLINK_PATH
                        Path for the plink(1.9) executable, requierd with -vcf flag -- default is to look for the variable on path
  -bfile PLINK_BINARY_PREFIX, --plink_binary_prefix PLINK_BINARY_PREFIX
                        Path for the plink(1.9) binary file, provide only the prefix (no extensions)
  -pheno PHENOTYPE_FILE, --phenotype_file PHENOTYPE_FILE
                        Path for the phenotype file, this file must have FID and IID (like the .fam file) and must be separated by tab or space. Header is not mandatory
  -qcovar QUANTITATIVE_COVAR, --quantitative_covar QUANTITATIVE_COVAR
                        Path for the quantitative covariables, e.g. PCs, age, and other continuous variables. The file must have FID and IID (like the phenotype file) and .fam. The file must be separated by tab
                        or space. Header is not mandatory
  -covar COVAR, --covar COVAR
                        Path for the covariables, e.g. Sex and other qualitative variables. The file must have FID and IID (like the phenotype file) and .fam. The file must be separated by tab or space. Header
                        is not mandatory
  -kinship KINSHIP_GRM, --kinship_grm KINSHIP_GRM
                        Path for the kinship grm file generated by the kinship script, if user wishes the kinship analysis can be generated with the flag --make-king
  --make_king           Make the kinship analysis (no correction by admixture)
  -o OUTPUT_FOLDER, --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER
                        Wanted output folder (default: current output folder)
  -gcta, --gcta_run     Select gcta analysis for GWAS -- recomended for N sample < 5000
  -ind_snps INDEPENDENT_SNPS, --independent_snps INDEPENDENT_SNPS
                        File made by plink --indep-pairwise with extension * containing only independent SNPs for analysis -- Default is to run --indep-pairwise 50 5 0.08
  --bh_correction       Select the p-value correction by Benjamini-Hochberg. Used for big populations (> 100.000) -- Use this flag to select to use BH correction, the default is to correct by Genomic Inflation
  -BoltLmm, --BoltLmm_run
                        Select Bolt-lmm for GWAS -- recomended for N samples > 5000
                        Path for the Bolt-lmm LD file -- default: File provided by the BOLT-LMM distribution
  --threads THREADS     Number of computer threads -- default = 1

The output from the GWAS analysis goes through a p-value corretion using Genomic Inflation (λgc)

Generated outputs:

  1. GWAS_summary_adjusted_pvalues.csv --> Sumarry statistics with corrected p-value using λgc
  2. A file with .mlma extension with the summary statistics from the GCTA run / A file with .stats extension with the summary statistics from the BOLT-LMM run
  3. Manhattam plot
  4. QQ plot

The file GWAS_summary_adjusted_pvalues.csv can be passed to FUMA web application for variant annotation, and other functional analysis.

Polygenic Risk Score - PRS

This step requires an independent dataset from the one used in the GWAS step
To generate the Principal component analysis to use in this step, please refer to the PCA module
Also reamember to check if the rsIDs in your independent dataset are the same as the one from GWAS

Alongside the already independent population provided for PRS it is necessary a third one for validation
If not provided, GARSA will use the same popualtion for testing and validation causing over-fitting
Also reamember to check if the rsIDs in your valdiation dataset are the same as the one from PRS
The user can annotate both datasets using the update_rsID module

This step creates a storage demanding file with extension .bk
In case the run fails, the user need to delete that file before running it again
PS: This file should be automatically deleted after a successful run, but please check your output folder

This module performs the reestimation of betas calculated in the GWAS step (present in the summary statistics file, either .mlma or .stats).
This file is provided using the flag -mlma, if the output is from BOLT-LMM the user should also provide the flag --BOLT
This module was mostly implemented in R using the library bigsnpr

On this step the user should also provide all the files (covar, qcovar and phenotype) similar to the ones used in the GWAS module. Besides that, the user must provide the column name (header) of the desired phenotype on the phenotype file.

Example usage:

python3 PRS -vcf path/to/independent_data.vcf.gz -mlma GCTA_summary_statistics.mlma -pheno -qcovar data_PCA_total.txt -covar --pheno_col SBP --indep_pop path/to/validation_data.vcf.gz

usage: [-h] [-vcf VCF_FILE] [-plink PLINK_PATH] [-plink2 PLINK2_PATH] [-bfile PLINK_BINARY_PREFIX] -mlma GWAS_MLMA [--BOLT] [-pheno PHENOTYPE_FILE] [--pheno_col PHENO_COL]
                     [-qcovar QUANTITATIVE_COVAR] [-n_pcs NUMBER_OF_PCS] [-covar COVAR_FILE] [--indep_pop INDEP_POP] [-o OUTPUT_FOLDER] [--threads THREADS]

This is a script to GWAS analysis and plot the results with Manhattam plot

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -vcf VCF_FILE, --vcf_file VCF_FILE
                        File for PRS analysis, required if user dont have Plink binary files (Same file as used for GWAS)
  -plink PLINK_PATH, --plink_path PLINK_PATH
                        Path for the plink(1.9) executable -- default is to look for the variable on path
  -plink2 PLINK2_PATH, --plink2_path PLINK2_PATH
                        Path for the Plink2 executable, requierd for script execution -- default is to look for the variable on path
  -bfile PLINK_BINARY_PREFIX, --plink_binary_prefix PLINK_BINARY_PREFIX
                        Path for the plink(1.9) binary file, provide only the prefix (no extensions) -- Same used in the GWAS setp
  -mlma GWAS_MLMA, --GWAS_mlma GWAS_MLMA
                        Output file from de GWAS step -- the extension of this file is .mlma for GCTA and .stats for BOLT-LMM
  --BOLT                Use this flag if the BOLT-LMM output (.stats) was provided
  -pheno PHENOTYPE_FILE, --phenotype_file PHENOTYPE_FILE
                        Path for the phenotype file, this file must have FID and IID (like the .fam file) and must be separated by tab or space. Same used on the GWAS setp
  --pheno_col PHENO_COL
                        Name of the columns contaning the Phenotype data -- Default is to look for 'Phenotype' as the column name
  -qcovar QUANTITATIVE_COVAR, --quantitative_covar QUANTITATIVE_COVAR
                        Path for the quantitative covariables, e.g. PCs, age, and other continuous variables. The same used on the GWAS step
  -n_pcs NUMBER_OF_PCS, --number_of_pcs NUMBER_OF_PCS
                        Number of PCs to use on model evaluation -- default = 4
  -covar COVAR_FILE, --covar_file COVAR_FILE
                        Path for the covariables file, e.g. Sex. The same used on the GWAS step
  --indep_pop INDEP_POP
                        Independent population, in VCF format, for individual PRS calculation; default is to use the same one provided by -vcf or -bfile
  -o OUTPUT_FOLDER, --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER
                        Wanted output folder (default: current output folder)
  --threads THREADS     Number of computer threads -- default = 1

The main result from this analysis is the table weights_LDPred2.tsv, which contains 3 columns:

rsID	A1	LDPRED2_betas
rs3131972	A	2,35E-07
rs3131969	A	2,12E-06
rs1048488	C	7,32E-07
  1. The first column is the rsID of the variant
  2. The second is the effect allele
  3. And the third is the recalculated beta

GARSA now provides an .RData for the LDPred2 step with the complete script environment.

Extrapolation to different cohorts

This step was developed for the extrapolation PRS calculated before, this means that all the betas obtained can be extrapolated to new populations.
This allows the user to fruther validade their PRS predictive power.

This step require a independent dataset from all used until this point
Reamember to check if the rsIDs in your new cohort dataset matches the ones in the weights_LDPred2.tsv
The user can annotate their dataset using the update_rsID module

Example usage

python3 extrapol_PRS -vcf path/to/new_cohort.vcf.gz -weight weights_LDPred2.tsv --threads 4

usage: [-h] [-vcf VCF_FILE] [-plink2 PLINK2_PATH] -weight LDPRED_WEIGHTS [-o OUTPUT_FOLDER] [-bfile PLINK_BINARY_PREFIX] [--threads THREADS]

This is a script to GWAS analysis and plot the results with Manhattam plot

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -vcf VCF_FILE, --vcf_file VCF_FILE
                        File for PRS analysis, required if user dont have Plink binary files (Same file as used for GWAS)
  -plink2 PLINK2_PATH, --plink2_path PLINK2_PATH
                        Path for the Plink2 executable, requierd for script execution -- default is to look for the variable on path
  -weight LDPRED_WEIGHTS, --LDpred_weights LDPRED_WEIGHTS
                        Path for the weights_LDPRED2.tsv file generated at the PRS step
  -o OUTPUT_FOLDER, --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER
                        Wanted output folder (default: current output folder)
  -bfile PLINK_BINARY_PREFIX, --plink_binary_prefix PLINK_BINARY_PREFIX
                        Path for the plink binary file, provide only the prefix (no extensions)
  --threads THREADS     Number of computer threads -- default = 1

The output is the Plink file .sscore containing the IID and PRS score for each sample

Sample1<\t>PRS score1
Sample2<\t>PRS score2
SampleN<\t>PRS scoreN

Resources used for a population with n=49 samples with around one milion variants:

Module Time Peak Mem (Gb) Threads
desdup 00:00:05 0.401 4
update_rsID 00:08:00 0.6 4
quality_control 00:00:03 0.2 4
quality_ind 00:00:05 0.2 4
kinship 00:00:09 1 4
PCA 00:00:13 0.3 4
GWAS 00:02:30 1.02 4
PRS 00:55:00 3.2 4

The RAM usage in the update_rsID module may vary depending on the number of variants in the user VCF file
For all steps, run and execution times are dependent of sample size and number of variants


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