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This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 20, 2021. It is now read-only.


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⚠️ This repository is no longer active, go to Kungbib/styleguide instead.

Frontend guide

Guide in Swedish.

This repo contains guidelines and stylesheets for quickly setting up UI in apps and services at the National Library of Sweden.

Conventions, tech and tools




Naming conventions


  1. Download and install node.js.

  2. Install grunt-cli:

     $ npm install -g grunt-cli
  3. Go to repo, then run:

     $ npm install

Creating custom css

Create your own rules in the folder custom/. Open variables.less and try out editing. To add a custom file to the build, import it by editing custom.less and adding:

@import 'filename.less';

Coding standards


See guidlines presented in Try to follow the guidelines and checklists recommended and provided by The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) (page in Swedish).

Prevent accessibility violations by writing with correct HTML5 semantics and ARIA-attributes. Manual testing tools:

Naming classes with SUIT CSS

Use the SUIT CSS naming convention:

.MyComponent {} {}
.MyComponent--modifier {}

.MyComponent-part {}
.MyComponent-anotherPart {}
  • Component parts should only be one level down, despite their relationship in the DOM:
/* Like this */

/* Don't do this */
  • Use the .js- prefix to separate JavaScript-binding from CSS-styling:
<figure class="Thumbnail js-openGallery">
    <img class="Thumbnail-image" />
    <caption class="Thumbnail-caption>

In this case, .Thumbnail might add styling with CSS, while we have an event listener in JavaScript on .js-openGallery. By never styling .js--prefixed classes or connecting styled CSS with JS we can reduce the risk of the UI breaking when changes are made.


When adding a new component or modifier, this should be documented according to the KSS-syntax described here. This will then generate a styleguide for that component/modifier.

  1. Create two new modifiers for .Card:
.Card {
/* Card default styles */

  &--danger {
    background-color: lighten(@brand-danger,15%);
    color: darken(@brand-danger,35%);

  &--success {
    background-color: lighten(@brand-success,25%);
    color: darken(@brand-success,25%);
.Card {
    /* Card default styles */

.Card--danger {
    background-color: lighten(@brand-danger,15%);
    color: darken(@brand-danger,35%);  

.Card--success {
    background-color: lighten(@brand-success,25%);
    color: darken(@brand-success,25%);   
  1. Add comments above the code:
Skinning of cards

Skins for different purposes

.Card--danger    - Card skin to use when we want to convey some kind of danger
.Card--success   - Card skin to use when we want to convey some kind of success

<div class="Card {{modifier_class}}">

Styleguide 6.1.4

This will generate a view like this:


Known errors
KSS in Windows environment

The KSS generator has som issues with path names in Windows, see documentation for further help.


Build Less to CSS and update documentation by running grunt:

$ grunt

Watch for changes and build automatically when those occur:

$ grunt watch

Check styleguide locally and watch for changes at the same time:

$ grunt serve

This will make the styleguide available at: http://localhost:8500/build/


Generated CSS file is called kb-style.cssand is located in folder build/css/. Include this file in your application.