A Mips Simulator written in c.
sudo docker build -t temu .
sudo docker run -itd --name TEMU -p 8848:8848 -p 8888:8888 -v /mnt/d/C/TEMU:/temu temu /bin/bash
sudo docker exec -it TEMU /bin/bash
wget https://sourcery.mentor.com/public/gnu_toolchain/mips-sde-elf/mips-2013.05-65-mips-sde-elf.bin
dpkg-reconfigure –plow dash
Then Enter the path of compiler and execute following command:
export PATH={Your compiler path}/bin:$PATH
Try to use mips cross compiler:
mips-sde-elf-gcc –v
In this project we use node.js as our backend developing tool.
nodemon --watch './node_be/src/**/*.ts' -L --exec 'ts-node' ./node_be/src/index.ts
I-type Instruction
- addi
- addiu
- slti
- sltiu
- andi
- lui
- ori
- xori
- beq
- bne
- bgez
- bgtz
- blez
- bltz
- bgezal
- bltzal
- lb
- lbu
- lh
- lhu
- lw
- sb
- sh
- sw
R-type Instruction
- add
- addu
- sub
- subu
- slt
- sltu
- and
- nor
- or
- div
- divu
- mult
- multu
- mfhi
- mflo
- mthi
- mtlo
- sll
- srav
- sra
- srl
- jr
- jalr
J-type Instruction
- j
- jal
Exception and Other
- break
- syscall
- mfc0
- mtc0
- eret