This repository contains the smart contracts for v3Utils and v3Automation.
It uses Foundry as development toolchain.
Install foundry
Install dependencies
forge install
Most tests use a forked state of Arbitrum One network. You can run all tests with:
NOTE: Prepare .env file with sample values from sample.env before you run test.
forge test
Run tests with gas report
forge test --gas-report
source .env
forge script script/V3Utils.s.sol:MyScript --legacy --rpc-url $RPC_URL --broadcast
using --with-gas-price
flag to specify gas price:
forge script script/V3Utils.s.sol:MyScript --legacy --rpc-url $RPC_URL --broadcast --with-gas-price $GAS_PRICE
or with Makefile:
make deploy-v3utils
Run script below to get verify contract script
make verify-v3utils
If StructHash is updated or deployed to a new chain, update its address in foundry.toml
libraries = [