A Matrix helper library(?) I was coding some neural networks in c++ and i need a faster way to make matrixes and operations so i decided to create some helper functions and where we are.
I plan to upgrade this library and make actually a util thing
It can't be more simple:
Matrix m; // Empty matrix 0x0 no data
Matrix m(3x3); // Matrix 3x3 with 0 as initial value
Matrix m(3,3,5); // Matrix 3x3 with 5 as initial value
m += 10; // Adding 10 in each element m = m * 20; // Mutiply by 20 each element
Other matrix
m += m; // Adding two Matrixes m -= m; // Complex statemens are not recomended m *= m; // In special when dealing with mutiplications
Randomize Generating random values using a Mersenne Twister
m.randomize(); // Values of m are random values, in range [-1,1]
m.map(fun); // Apply an function in every element of m double fun(double x){ reutrn exp(x); }
Found something? Any bug? See space to improvement? Make a issue and/or a pull request, fell free to help.
I'm very appreciated for any help
Made with ❤ and C++