Geo- and TopoJSON files of municipalities, districts and states in Austria, as of January 2017 (an older version can be found in the folder '2016' - it includes municipalities, districts and states as of June 2016)
The files are based on Kärnten and have been modified in several ways:
- The files contain only two fields:
- iso (string): the 'Gemeindekennziffer', a number to identify region/state (first digit), district (first three digits) and municipality (whole number) - accordingly the iso in district and state files is only three or one character long
- name (string): the name of the municipality
- Fixed several spelling issues with the names
- Standardised "Sankt" and "St."
- Changed the 'Gemeindekennziffer' of municipalities in the former district of 'Wien Umgebung', as it was disbanded 2017
- Simplified to 95%, 99.5% and 99.9% (using
- Turned into GeoJSON and TopoJSON format
- Created district and state files for easier use (no more merging if you only need a certain level)
- The district files don't contain 'Wien Umgebung' any more - if necessary, use the files from 2016
The folder "2017" now contains some special maps:
- district maps with vienna as an enlarged feature, hovering over bavaria
- municipality maps with vienna being divided into districts
CC BY 4.0, Flooh Perlot (
Original file: CC BY 3.0 Geoland Kärnten