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To characterize the epidemic of COVID-19, a generalized classical SEIR model is used by introducing 7 different states
is the total population.The coefficients are
→ protection rate<\beta>
→ infection rate<\gamma^{-1}>
→ avg latent time<\delta^{-1}>
→ avg quarantine time<\lambda(t)=\lambda_0(1-e^{-\lambda_1t})>
→ cure rate<\kappa(t)=\kappa_0e^{-\kappa_1t}>
→ mortality rate
It is assumed the cure rate <\lambda>
and the mortality rate <\kappa>
are both time dependent.
The SEIRQP model is described by following differential equations
The fitting is done using the time histories of the number of quarantined Q(t), recovered R(t) and deaths D(t) only. Time histories obtained from