Pug + Coffeescript + Sass web project generator, with Grunt, made for simple websites.
This generator requires NodeJS to run its tools. The generated project requires Ruby and Sass, a CSS extension language, installed with the following command:
gem install sass
You will also need to install Grunt, a Javascript task runner:
npm install -g grunt-cli
Once all prerequisites are installed, it is easy to get up and running with this boilerplate.
First, you'll need to install Yeoman and this generator:
npm install -g yo generator-pugcoffeesass
Then, run the following command:
yo pugcoffeesass
And you are good to go!
Launch the dev server with the command:
grunt server
And access it on your browser via http://localhost:3000.
Every modification in the src/
directory triggers a new build and reloads your browser page.
Build the project with the command:
grunt build
You'll find the compiled files in the generated dist/
- Pug - Template engine for writing HTML
- Sass - Extension of the CSS language
- CoffeeScript - Language that compiles into JavaScript
- Linters for each of these languages:
- Development server, powered by grunt-express and grunt-contrib-watch
Testing this package requires Mocha and CoffeeScript:
npm install -g mocha coffeescript
You can then run the tests with the following command:
npm test
- Christopher Georget - Chrigeo
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.