DMS Core v0.13.3.1 "Ivan"
- DIP0002 - Special Transactions
- DIP0003 - Deterministic Masternode List
- DIP0004 - Simplified Verification of Deterministic Masternode Lists
- New information and notes page on main form
- BIP9 soft fork (CSV): BIP68, BIP112, BIP113
- This version was newly forked from Dash 0.13.3
Detailed instructions for Wallet and Masternode setup can be found at
The file "wallet.dat" in the data folder contains all your coins. Make backups and never delete a wallet.dat
Windows Wallet
- Download and install dmscore-0.13.3-winXX-setup.exe
- Execute "DMS Core" (dms-qt.exe)
- Select the data path
macOS Wallet
- Download and open dmscore-0.13.3-osx.dmg
- Drag DMS-Qt to your applications folder
- Execute "DMS Core"
- Select the data path
Linux Daemon
- Create a folder "dms" in your home directory or any other
cd dms
tar -xzf dmscore-0.13.3-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
./dmsd -daemon
- The data path is located in ~/.dmscore
Masternode Update
cd dms
rm dmsd
# if auto execute for the daemon is activated./dms-cli stop
tar -xzf dmscore-0.13.3-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
rm dmscore-0.13.3-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
./dmsd -daemon
./dms-cli getinfo
- Because the protocol version has changed, the masternode must be restarted. Click on "Start alias" in your local wallet.
- dmscore-0.13.3-win64-setup.exe: Windows 64 bit setup
- Windows 64 bit executables for manual installation
- dmscore-0.13.3-win32-setup.exe: Windows 32 bit setup
- Windows 32 bit executables for manual installation
- dmscore-0.13.3-osx.dmg: macOS disk image
- dmscore-0.13.3-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz: Linux executables
- dmscore-0.13.3-arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz: ARM (e.g. Pi) without Qt-Wallet