this package only support
please use this package like the example
Download this package
go get
use this command
router-annotation --dir=${input_dir} --output=${output_dir}
- @router: specify the router path.Make sure start from '/'
- @use: package.function
- @group: router in which group(group should be exists.No need write the package path)
- @method: http method
The generate code like this:
// Package api Code generated by "router-annotation";DO NOT EDIT.
package api
import (
var engine *gin.Engine
func init() {
engine = gin.Default()
v1Group := engine.Group(group.V1)
v1Group.Use(hello.Middleware, hello.Middleware2)
// Hello hello example
v1Group.GET("/hello", hello.Hello)
// User user列表
v1Group.POST("/user", user.User)
v2Group := engine.Group(group.V2)
// Hello2 hello example
v2Group.GET("/hello2", hello.Middleware, hello.Hello2)
// Hello3 hello example
v2Group.GET("/hello3", hello.Hello3)
func GinEngine() *gin.Engine {
return engine