Spotlight is an Android library used to onboard users by showcasing specific features in the app.
new SpotlightView.Builder(this)
.subHeadingTvText("Like the picture?\nLet others know.")
.usageId(usageId) //UNIQUE ID
Define the jitpack remote Maven repository inside the repositories block of your root
fileallprojects { repositories { ... maven { url "" } } }
Add the Spotlight dependency
dependencies { ... compile 'com.github.wooplr:Spotlight:1.2.3' }
Define the jitpack remote Maven repository in your
at the end of repositories<repositories> ... <repository> <id></id> <url></url> </repository> </repositories>
Add the Spotlight dependency
<dependency> <groupId>com.github.wooplr</groupId> <artifactId>Spotlight</artifactId> <version>1.2.3</version> </dependency>
Overlay Color
View to showcase
Intro animation duration (For Reveal and Fadein)
Enable reveal animation (Only for Lollipop and above)
Fade in animation duration for spotlight text (Heading and Sub-heading)
Size of heading text
Color of heading text
Text to display in heading
Size of sub-heading text
Color of sub-heading text
Text to display in sub-heading
Custom font for text in spotlight view
Color of the spotlight line
Line animation duration
Perform a click on target view
Unique id for each spotlight
Dismiss spotlight on touch outside
Dismiss spotlight on touch outside after spotlight is completely visible
To show spotlight everytime when user opens the same screen.
//Create global config instance to reuse it
SpotlightConfig config = new SpotlightConfig();
#Proguard rules
-keep class com.wooplr.spotlight.** { *; }
-keep interface com.wooplr.spotlight.**
-keep enum com.wooplr.spotlight.**
#Credits MaterialIntroView