A drone positioning system for environments with bad or no GNSS reception
- data - Matlab scrips for result analysis
- analyze.m - tool to analyze single results file and compare it with GT
- analyze_multi.m - tool to analyze multiple results file and compare them with each other and with GT
- non_ros - Several libraries and helper scripts for calibration, also third-party libraries linked by ros programs
- src - ROS workspace
- visiondrone - Main ROS package that glues all together and provides launch files to use the project
- height_estimation - A package to perform height estimation of the drone from barometer, IMU, and optional lidar
- velocity_integrator - A package to integrate velocity data into pose estimation, considering GPS datum
- dead_reckoning - A dead reckoning localization with IMU integratio-based odometry
- motion_simulation - Motion simulation localization that uses rotor RPM info and IMU data for localization
- orb_slam3 - Localization based on the ORB-SLAM3 library
- px4_optical_flow - Localization using KLT tracker or using PX4-FLOW algorithm
The project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license if not otherwise stated in source files or other files of this project. Copyright 2022 Klemen Pevec.
The project also uses several other libraries, that may be covered by a different license than GPL-3.0. Check folder of these libraries and their project pages for more info.