Salmon Anomaly Detection (SAD) detects the potential misquantifications for the RNA-seq transcript expression estimation made by Salmon. SAD detects large deviation of the observed coverage distribution from the expected coverage distribution for each transcript, and use the deviation as an indicator of misquantifications.
SAD depends on the following libraries:
For linux machine, the following script can be used to download and install the above dependencies EXCEPT GUROBI in current directory. Since GUROBI requires either commercial or academic license, we do not provide script for installation.
The pre-compiled binary of SAD (with Clp) can be downloaded from the github release.
To compile SAD from source, please download the packaged tarball from the github release instead of Source code
or using git clone
. If you install the dependencies using
script, you will be indicated the command to configure. Using the following steps to compile and install SAD globally in your system:
autoreconf -i
./configure <with options indicated after running>
make install
For local installation, further append the option --prefix=<path to install>
in ./configure
If you install the dependencies by you own, please see help of ./configure -h
to specify the paths of the dependent libraries.
Three steps are needed for SAD: retrieve the observed coverage distribution, retrieve the expected coverage distribution, detect and categorize anomalies.
We provide a python script to go through all the steps. Alternatively, three executables are provided for the three steps, and users can run each individual executables.
The following python script will sequentially run the required steps, and generate the predicted unadjustable anomalies and the adjusted quantifications.
python3 -t <transcriptome.fa> -a <annotation.gtf> -s <salmon_folder> -o <output_prefix>
The input Salmon quantification result should be generated with the following options:
salmon quant -i <salmon index> -1 <read_1> (-2 <reads_2>) --gcBias --seqBias --posBias --dumpEqWeights -o <output folder> --writeMappings=<output folder>/mapping.sam
With adding the above options, Salmon output directory should have the following structure, with which users can check their output:
- quant.sf
- mapping.sam
- aux_info/
- fld.gz
- exp_gc.gz
- obs_gc.gz
- exp5_pos.gz
- obs5_pos.gz
- exp3_pos.gz
- obs3_pos.gz
- exp5_seq.gz
- obs5_seq.gz
- exp3_seq.gz
- obs3_seq.gz
Two files are the main outputs of SAD, corresponding to the p-value of unadjustable anomalies, and the adjusted quantification of the adjustable anomalies.
output_prefix_unadjustable_pvalue.tsv: p-value of unadjustable anomalies. Note that the p-values of all evaluated transcripts within the output, and users can define their own p-value cutoff.
- Name: the ID of the transcript.
- Coverage: defined as number reads / transcript length.
- AnomalyScoreNeg: transcript-level under-expression anomaly score.
- RegionStartNeg: the starting position of under-expression region in transcript coordinate.
- RegionEndNeg: the ending position of under-expression region in transcript coordinate.
- PValue_Neg: p-value of the transcript-level under-expression anomaly score
- AdjPValue_Neg: FDR adjusted p-value of the transcript-level under-expression anomaly score
- AnomalyScorePos: transcript-level over-expression anomaly score.
- RegionStartPos: the starting position of over-expression region in transcript coordinate.
- RegionEndPos: the ending position of over-expression region in transcript coordinate.
- PValue_Pos: p-value of the transcript-level over-expression anomaly score.
- AdjPValue_Pos: FDR adjusted p-value of the transcript-level over-expression anomaly score.
- MinAdjPValue: the minimum between the FDR adjusted under-expression anomaly p-value and over-expression anomaly p-value.
- Choice: indicator of which of the under-expression p-value and over-expression p-value is smaller. 0 refers to under-expression, 1 refers to over-expression.
output_prefix_adjusted_quantification.tsv: the adjusted quantification of the adjustable anomalies
- Name: the ID the transcript.
- Length: the length of the transcript.
- NumReads: the weighted number of reads assigned to the transcript by SAD re-assignment procedure.
After compiling SAD, bin/readsalmonbias is the executable of retrieving the expected distribution for each transcript using Salmon bias correction model. The --gcBias
, --seqBias
, --posBias
options in Salmon infer the corresponding bias models. bin/readrsembias is the executable of retrieving the expected distribution under RSEM bias correction model. The --estimate-rspd
option in RSEM allows it to estimate a positional bias. For both executables, the order of the input arguments matters. To run the executables, using
bin/readsalmonbias correction <salmon aux folder path> <transcriptome.fa> <salmon quant.sf> <output file> (number_threads)
or for RSEM, locate the .model file under .stat folder and run
bin/readrsembias correction <rsem .model file> <transcriptome.fa> <output file>
The output is a binary file of the below content. If you want to use SAD for other quantifiers, outputing an expected coverage distribution file by a custom script is needed.
- the number of transcripts (int32_t)
- for each transcript:
- the length of the transcript ID (int32_t)
- transcript sequence length (int32_t)
- transcript ID (char * length of ID)
- expected coverage distribution (double * length of sequence)
bin/transcovdist is the executable of retrieving from Salmon the observed distribution for each transcript using the mapping-to-transcriptome BAM file. With --writeMappings option, Salmon will output a SAM file of the read mapping, and can be converted to BAM using samtools. bin/rsemobs is the exectuable of retrieving from RSEM the observed distribution. For both executables, the order of the input arguments matters. To run the executables, using
bin/transcovdist <annotation gtf file> <salmon quant.sf> <salmon eq_classes.txt> <salmon mapping.bam> <output file>
bin/rsemobs <annotation gtf file> <RSEM mapping bam file> <output file>
The output is a binary file of below content. For other quantifiers, a custom script is required to output the observed coverage in the following structure in order to apply SAD.
- the number of transcripts (int32_t)
- for each transcript:
- the length of the transcript ID (int32_t)
- the number of effective positions (int32_t). Effetive positions are the positions with non-zero fragment starts besides the last position of transcript.
- transcript ID (char * length of ID)
- effective positions (int32_t * number of effective positions)
- weighted count of fragment starts at each effective position (double * number of effective positions)
bin/SAD is the main method for anomaly detection. It can be executed with the following command:
bin/SAD <annotation.gtf> <salmon quant.sf> <expected distribution> <observed distribution> <output prefix> (number_threads)
Note that the order of the input arguments matters.Please refer to the SAD output for the output specification for this executable.