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DotCMS provides an Angular example that shows how to build dotCMS pages heedlessly with Angular JavaScript framework.

What do you need?

  1. A dotCMS instance or you can use
  2. Node.js and npm installed
  3. Terminal
  4. And a code editor.

Get the Angular example code

Get the code from the next directory

Add the dotCMS configuration

Now we need to tell the Angular app what dotCMS instance is going to use to get the data to build its pages.

  1. Open the folder YOUR_NAME in your code editor
  2. Go to src/environments
  3. Open the environment.development.ts file and update the environment variable:
  • authToken this is the auth token for dotCMS, you can use the dotCMS UI to create one.
  • dotcmsUrl this is the instance of dotCMS where your pages and content lives (license needed) if you don’t have one, you can use (be careful it restarts every 24h)

Run the app

Once all the configuration is in place, it is time to run the web app.

  1. Go back to your terminal and from the folder YOUR_NAME
  2. Run ng serve
  3. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser

🎉 And that’s it.

Consider that if you go to localhost:4200/about, the page /about needs to exist in your dotCMS instance.

Handling Vanity URLs

In dotCMS, Vanity URLs serve as alternative reference paths to internal or external URLs. They are simple yet powerful tools that can significantly aid in site maintenance and SEO.

Next.js is a robust framework that provides the capability to handle vanity URLs. It allows you to redirect or forward users to the appropriate content based on predefined logic. You can seamlessly integrate this feature of Next.js with dotCMS. For an implementation example, refer to this link.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.