Winning Project for EV Hacks I
Evergreen Valley High School, San Jose, CA, USA
📅 10/10/15
We wanted to create an application that could allow users to play music as a community in public areas. Music is a large part of our team's lives, so we wanted to develop an application to make the experience of listening to music better. This application could also be used at our school to play music during lunch times.
The user sends in a song request to the server via text message, and that request is noted, and sorted by popularity. Songs with a higher number of requests are prioritized. This allows multiple people to control what is being played in a place such as a mall or store.
A Twillio server is set up with a phone number, which allows people to text it. A java server then repeatedly checks the server to see if there have been any new messeges. If there is a new messege, the Java server runs it through a google search to find a youtube video for the song. The song title is also passed through a rigorous screening process to remove and unwanted songs. The songs are then placed in a que to be played.
- Java Server
- Twilio API
- Google Search API
- Youtube Technology
- Idea
- Moral Support
- Taking prize distribution
Go to should auto download a zip file. If it doesnt, go to and scroll till you reach a text saying "Related examples in the same category", and select the download link right above it
Go to it should auto download a .jar file, if not, go to and select gson-2.4.jar
Go to should auto download a .jar file, if it doesnt go to and select twilio-java-sdk-5.2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar