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15Rock is proud to share an open-source TCFD reporting survey.

We believe increasing transparency and access would help us all work together to fight climate change. The underlying and main pillars are TCFD. Our goal is:

  • Simplicity
    • At different levels of company's maturity (startups to large fortune 500s)
    • Different levels of technical understanding
    • Different levels of impact journey
  • Cross-industry comparability
  • Compatible with a wide range of standards to help consolidate reporting burdens for corporations

We are proud to provide a free list of questions. The application to process this is avail at 15Rock if you want to report and share your reports easily with others(which also have a free tier).

This project was led by: Dr Muhammad Sajjad from Hong Kong. We thank him for his excellent work and generous support of this project.


15Rock Pillar Standard SPID Standard Dimension (SD) Dimension Pillar (DP) QID Question (Q) Question Type Description Company_Maturity Question Order Question Grouping
General Intro and Background TCFD 1 General Intro and Background N/A 11 Provide a concise introduction of your company and briefly describe what does TCFD means to your company? Text This question is intended to elicit information on the firm's overall portfolio as well as a description of how it regards TCFD recommendations in the context of the company, its group, and its clients. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 1 1
General Intro and Background TCFD 1 General Intro and Background N/A 12 What is your company's sector of operations? [use sector table] Choose the industry that best reflects your company's operations. A list of various industries, such as banks, manufacturers, information technology, and insurance, would be offered so that the company may select the most appropriate one. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 2 1
General Intro and Background TCFD 1 General Intro and Background N/A 13 Has your company previously reported the TCFD? single_c_Yes_No This is purely for the purpose of gathering information about the company's current stance and understanding of TCFD. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 3 2
General Intro and Background TCFD 1 General Intro and Background N/A 14 For which year you are reporting this TCFD? Date Last year reported? All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 4 2
General Intro and Background TCFD 1 General Intro and Background N/A 15 How do you describe the implementation of TCFD at your company at this stage? Multi_c_mature_limited_no disclosure Explain how well the corporation has applied the TCFD in their organisation. This could contain information on whether pillars are "excellent," "limited," or "no disclosure" (i.e., Governance, Strategy, Risk Management, and Metrics & Targets). The state of the disclosure can be determined by comparing the answers to the questions. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 5 2
General Intro and Background TCFD 1 General Intro and Background N/A 16 Which currency you are using for this disclosure? [use currency table] This information is required to translate financial statistics to USD so that they are consistent across countries. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 6 3
Governance TCFD 2 Governance A 21 Is there any presence of board-level oversight related to climate risks and opportunities in your company? single_c_Yes_No This is a basic "yes" or "no" question that reflects the current state of the company's board of directors in the context of climate hazards. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 1 1
Governance TCFD 2 Governance B 22 What are the highest level of positions/committees in your company responsible for climate-related risks and opportunities? Text As proposed in TCFD's Governance Pillar, this question is intended to reveal top-roles management's in the evaluation and management of climate risks and opportunities. Different key position holders (e.g., risk officers in the firm) or any standing committee on climate risk can be enlisted by the company. It's also possible to provide information on their general responsibilities and how frequently they brief the board on climate risks/opportunities. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 2 2
Governance TCFD 2 Governance A & B 23 What protocols and procedures your company follow to report/inform the board(s)/committee(s) regarding climate -related risks and opportunities (e.g., audit, risks), and how often such reporting occurs? Text Please describe what is the procedure at your company to inform, update, or report the climate-related risks and opportunties to the top-responsible management (as stipulated in Question 22). It is highly desirable to include the information on "how often such reporting occurs and what is the period of reporting". The idea of such disclosure on the process is to represent the company's systematic approach to look at climate-related risks. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 2 2
Strategy TCFD 3 Strategy A 31 What is your company's strategy of short-term goals (0-5 years)? Text For this question, a range of 0-5 years for short-term, 5-10 years for medium-term, and 10+ years for long-term horizons could be specified. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 1 1
Strategy TCFD 3 Strategy A 32 What is your company's strategy of medium-term goals(5-10 years) ? Text For this question, a range of 0-5 years for short-term, 5-10 years for medium-term, and 10+ years for long-term horizons could be specified. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 1 1
Strategy TCFD 3 Strategy A 33 What is your company's strategy of long-term goals (10+ years)? Text For this question, a range of 0-5 years for short-term, 5-10 years for medium-term, and 10+ years for long-term horizons could be specified. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 1 1
Strategy TCFD 3 Strategy A and B 34 How do you decribe the company's profile in the context of climate-related risks and opportunties? Text Give specifics on the various climate risks and opportunities that have been identified in the short, medium, and long term. This should reflect the company's overall climate risk and opportunity profile. Provide some insight into how the company intends to implement interventions to address these risks in a succinct manner (i.e., you may include that we use a formal procedure to prioritise several risks and design our action plan for immediate or gradual interventions considering top risks and the potential of these risks in near future). All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 2 1
Strategy TCFD 3 Strategy B and C 35 Among several sectors and geographical distribution of your company/business (e.g., assests and infrastructure of the company), which ones are mostly exposed to climate-related risks and how the company plann to overcome this situation? Text Provide information on which sections of your company are vulnerable/resilient to climate risks (i.e., products, supply chain, sales, manufacturing, mitigation and adaptation initiatives, etc.) and how your company advocates for improving this situation. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 3 2
Strategy Strategy A and B 36 Does your company consider scenario anlaysis, sensitivity assessment, and stress tests for climate-related risks and opportunties? single_c_Yes_No If you answered "yes" to any of the questions, explain briefly how it's done and why the company included it in their strategy. This could also be used to reveal resilience-building and enhancement-related interventions that the company is implementing or planning. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 4 2
Strategy TCFD 3 Strategy A, B, and C 37 Based on the scenario analyses on climate risk, how do you describe the impacts on your business, planning, etc.? text Describe the possible consequences of climate change-related variations, particularly in the 2-degree and lower scenarios. You can also briefly explain climate-associated risks and opportunties under different IPCC scenarios (e.g., RCP 2.6, 4.5, 6.0, and 8.5) as well as SSP scenarios, if you have knowledge of them. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 5 3
Strategy TCFD 3 Strategy B 38 What is the frequency with which the board/committee meets to discuss climate-related issues like risks and opportunities? Text Give a summary of the meetings that were held to discuss climate risks and opportunities. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 6 3
Strategy TCFD 3 Strategy C 39 How does the company plan to incorporate climate risks and opportunities into its financial planning, business strategy, and investment strategy, as appropriate? Text Provide details on how the company plans to incorporate a variety of risks and opportunities into their upcoming business investments, strategies, and financial planning, if available. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 7 3
Strategy TCFD 3 Strategy C 390 What plans or initiatives does the company have in place to improve its overall resilience to climate risks? Text This question will be used to reflect the company's short-, medium-, and long-term strategy for dealing with and adapting to climate risks. For example, if the company has obtained insurance of any kind for its business, describe it as well as the value of the insurance. Similarly, if the company has a climate action plan, this could be one of the strategies for building and enhancing resilience. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 8 3
Risk Management TCFD 4 Risk Management A 41 Is there any existing procedure currently implimented at the company to identify, assess, and prioritization in the context of climate risks? single_c_Yes_No A yes/no question to determine the current state of the company's risk management capabilities. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 1 1
Risk Management TCFD 4 Risk Management A and B 42 Is there any procedure available at the company governing the Risk Management of climate-related risks? single_c_Yes_No This is a specific company/board-level process that governs risk management and tracks its progress over time (i.e., reviewing the risk identification and assessment methodologies, integration of new tools and techniques etc.). All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 2 1
Risk Management TCFD 4 Risk Management A 43 Among the following, which types of risks your company is considering in the face of climate change? Multi_c_Physical_Transition_Liability_All of the above The purpose of this question is to present the company's risk management system's general classification. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 3 2
Risk Management TCFD 4 Risk Management B 44 In terms of occurrence, what kind of climate related risks are accounted for by the company? Multi_c_Acute_Chronic_Both Give specifics if the company is identifying and assessing risks that could occur suddenly (for example, flash floods or landslides) or over a longer period of time (i.e., droughts, change in rainfall and temperature and their impacts on business or clients). It would be better if the details of the Acute and Chronic risks were listed in a Table. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 4 2
Risk Management TCFD 4 Risk Management A and B 45 What is the process of identifying different types of Risks mentioned above? Text Describe the process for identifying and assessing various risk categories and types. Describe whether the company has a setup in place or if it seeks the help of some cliamte risk solution providers in this regard. It is preferable to present the generalised procedure/framework for these risks as a diagram/table. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 5 3
Risk Management TCFD 4 Risk Management C 46 Does your company advocates the education/awareness regarding climate risks as part of its Risk Management? single_c_Yes_No In general, to represent the company's position on climate risk awareness and support. If you answered yes, please explain how you implemented/achieved it (e.g., staff training, hiring of professionals with adequate knowledge in this field, organising seminars, etc.) All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 6 3
Risk Management TCFD 4 Risk Management A, B, and C 47 How do you define risk terminologies in your risk identificaton, assessment, and classification framework? Text Provide information on the various risk terminologies used in risk management (i.e., Hazard, Vulnerability, Exposure, Resilience, Adaptation, Mitigation, etc.). All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 7 3
Risk Management TCFD 4 Risk Management A, B, and C 48 What are the procedures your company is following for the identification, assessment, and prioritization of climate risks and their integration into overall risk management? Text If the company's answer to Q41 is "yes," this is a follow-up question. It incorporates all three TCFD Risk Management Pillar recommendations. However, the question can be divided into three parts to make it easier to understand (e.g., describe the process individually for identification, assessment, and prioritisation of risks). All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 8 3
Metrics and Targets TCFD 5 Metrics and Targets C 51 Are there any climate risk related targets set by the company? single_c_Yes_No This is a helpful question that leads to the company's climate risk monitoring metrics. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 1 1
Metrics and Targets TCFD 5 Metrics and Targets A 52 What is the nature of metrics your company is using to assess climate risks and poortunities? Text Describe the types of indices/metrics used by the company to evaluate climate risks and opportunities. The nature of metrics, such as climate, energy, and greenhouse gas emissions, could also be included in the form of a table. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 2 1
Metrics and Targets TCFD 5 Metrics and Targets A 53 What are climate risks and opportunity related targets set by the company during last year? Text These questions aid in the disclosure of recommendations for metrics for assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities. Also, include the baseline year for comparison purposes, as well as the KPIs chosen to assess progress, if any. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 3 1
Metrics and Targets TCFD 5 Metrics and Targets C 54 What percent of climate risk related targets from last years were achieved by the company? Text All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 4 1
Metrics and Targets TCFD 5 Metrics and Targets B 55 Does your company have any setup for Carbon Footprint calculation? single_c_Yes_No This should ideally be done in CO2e because it is comparable across industries. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 5 2
Metrics and Targets TCFD 5 Metrics and Targets B 56 Among the followings, which scope of emissions your company accounts for? Multi_c:_Scope 1_Scope 2_Scope 3 (This would be a check list) This will demonstrate the company's progress in understanding its emissions. Scope 1: All Direct Emissions, Scope 2: Indirect Emissions from purchased electricity, heat, steam, and other sources, and Scope 3: Other indirect emissions not covered by Scope 2, such as emissions from materials extraction, transportation, waste disposal, and so on. All (Startups, Mid-level, and Senior Companies) 6 2
Metrics and Targets TCFD 5 Metrics and Targets A, B, and C 57 What is the state of emissions at your company? Text This should describe the state of the company's emissions for at least the previous three years, as well as the trends over that time. Due to the lack of information on such emissions in relatively new businesses (i.e., startups), a good approach might be to use quarterly aggregations for comparison and clarity. Include data on various sectoral emissions, such as operations, supply chain, energy, and so on. The details of Scopes 1, 2, and 3 would also be included in this section. Finally, if there are any initiatives to offset carbon emissions, let us know about them. If there is any interest, this could be accomplished through a small case study. Primarily for Mid-Level and Senior Campanies 7 2

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Creative Commons License 15Rock's TCFD disclosure survey by 15Rock is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Open source TCFD reporting framework







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