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Startup: What to Do

Specification Deliverable

Elevator pitch

Have you ever been Bored? Have you ever wondered what should I do tonight but, had no ideas? With my new website "What to Do" you get access to beloved places in the area. You can see what's nearby. After visiting you can leave a comment to help other people have a fun night. If you discover a cool place you can add it, you never know maybe you will discover the next big hit.


This websight has 4 main pages:

  1. The login Page
  2. The browing page which diplays nearby locations
  3. Each location has its own page for comments and reviews
  4. the adding location page which will create a new location page

Key features

  • Secure login
  • Display of multiple locations based on distance and reviews
  • Ability to comment and review places
  • Ability to add new location


These technologies will be used in the following ways.

  • HTML - Basic structural and organization of websight
  • CSS - Styling and animating page changes and button clicks
  • JavaScript - Interactivity, switching pages and allowing you to click on buttons
  • Web Service - Remote functions that pulls from data base of locations and reviews
  • Authentication - Creating accounts and logging in
  • Database persistence - Storing user data in a database - stores comments and reviews
  • WebSocket - Will store the comments and upload them to server
  • Web Framework - Using React to add components and request routing


  • used to for the basic framework of my program
  • used to navigate between pages
  • used to input data that will later be stored and used
  • used to connect my websight to my github
  • Added new HTML file, about.html, addlocations.html, index.html, locationlist.html, TheTaste.html
  • Added to each html page a way to connect to other html files


  • Created one main CSS file for each HTML file
  • Went back through each HTML file and remodeled them to fit CSS requirments
  • Created navagation bar on the top of the page to easily switch between pages
  • modified old CSS code to create git hub button on the bottem of the page.
  • removed coppy and paste buggs and changed everything to have a uniform system that CSS can structure
  • Added bootstrap functionality and style to the code


  • Gave functionality to the button on index.html
  • Created data store for info entered on index.html
  • Created new JavaScript file titled LocationInfo.js This file is to store new information to create a page that displays information.
  • Created function called createLocation to store data from the addlocation.html page
  • modified HTLM pages to work with new functions
  • Created DisplayInfo class that will be used to modify an HTML function with new information
  • Created new function for each page that updates the display and database
  • Created new functions to display stored data.


  • Moved all files ending in .html, .css, and .js to public folder in main project folder.
  • installed node.js
  • Updated .gitignor to read new files
  • installed express package of node
  • created index.js file
  • created new service within index.js for get "/LoadList", get "/LoadData", and post "/AddLocation"
  • modified .js folders in public folder to call services
  • added third party service to program in the about page

login / Database

  • Added essential functions for username storage
  • added essential functions for auth token storage
  • added encryption for password storage and password storage
  • Redid HTML format on Location information to provide for database incertion
  • Worked on addlocations.html, locationinformation, locationinformation.js, UserData.js, database.js, and index.js to make addlocation functional
  • Added functionality in which you cannot add a new location unless you are logged in and have an auth token


  • Installed Websocket softwear in index.js
  • Created new JavaScript file called ChatBox.js that will mannage the websocket chat box commands.
  • modified locationinfo.html to contain websocket chatbox
  • modified location list quick links to take you to locationinfo.html
  • modified main.css to make websocket chatbox have style
  • modified locationinfo.js and userdata.js to make the login work properly. You shouldn't be able to creat a new location unless you are logged in.
  • modified ChatBox.js to only allow you to type in websocket if you are logged in.


  • created new Service and src folders. Rearanged most files to corrodinate with react structure
  • instaled vite, installed react
  • created index.html and index.jsx files
  • created app.jsc and app.css in src folder
  • created nav links in app.jsx
  • created src/about/about.jsx/About(), scr/addlocation/addlocation.jsx/Addlocation(), src/LocationInfo/LocationInfo.jsx/LocationInfo(), src/locationlist/locationlist.jsx/Locationlist(), src/login/login.jsx/Login(), src/TheTaste/TheTaste.jsx/TheTaste()
  • Installed routers for each function created in app.jsx and created pathways for each route to be accesed by app.jsx
  • converted about.html to about.jsx
  • modiefied app.css to work with react, height in body is the main change to fix flex feature
  • locations.jsx modified to rediirect you and changed style
  • Deleted the taste files
  • every page is created and present, functions are still not present
  • Login / Logout function added / redirect added
  • Added redirect on addlocations page, I didnt add the store data feture becuse I never figured out how to do that regularly
  • Functional React components : Login/logout, Moving between pages, random image generating


My Cs 260 project







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