This project provides a robust automation testing framework using Selenium and PyTest to perform end-to-end testing. It focuses on testing various aspects of the websites, including the checkout process, performance, and load testing. The tests are configured to run on both Chrome and Firefox browsers. Aqua IDE is used for development.
- Automated Testing: Perform seamless navigation and testing of the Apple website, including automating the process of clicking the Buy button for a MacBook Pro.
- PyTest Framework: Efficient and scalable test structure utilizing fixtures for browser setup.
- Continuous Integration: Integrated with CircleCI for automated testing workflows.
- Performance and Load Testing: Automated performance and load testing with Locust.
- Custom Fixtures: Reusable test setup and teardown using Selenium WebDriver fixtures.
- Cross-Browser Testing: Expandable for testing on multiple browsers.
Selenium is a popular browser automation framework used to automate web applications for testing purposes. It supports multiple browsers and programming languages.
PyTest is a powerful testing framework for Python. In this project, we use PyTest to manage and run the Selenium test cases.
Selenoid is a lightweight alternative to Selenium Grid, allowing browsers to run inside Docker containers. This project uses Selenoid to run tests in both Chrome and Firefox within Docker.
Aqua is an IDE designed specifically for test automation. This project uses Aqua IDE to develop and run Selenium tests.
- Python 3.x installed on your system.
- Docker installed and running for Selenoid.
- Aqua IDE for development.
- Chrome and Firefox installed on your system for local testing.