This repository contains the code for a simple website called "Floral Market". It is a static website designed using HTML and CSS to showcase various sections including Home, About, Products, Customer Reviews, and Contact Us.
- index.html: This HTML file contains the structure and content of the website, including sections for the home page, about us, product listings, customer reviews, and contact form.
- style.css: This CSS file contains the styling rules to enhance the appearance of the website, including layout, colors, typography, and responsiveness.
- Navbar: The top navigation bar contains links to different sections of the website such as Home, About, Product, Review, and Contact. It also includes icons for actions like favoriting items and accessing the shopping cart.
- Home: This section showcases fresh flowers with a brief description and a call-to-action button to shop.
- About: Here, users can learn more about the company, including why they should choose the products.
- Icons: Icons representing various benefits like free delivery, return policy, offers, and secure payments are displayed.
- Product: Latest products with images, discounts, prices, and options to add to cart or share are featured.
- Review: Customer reviews with images, names, comments, and star ratings are displayed.
- Contact: Users can fill out a form with their name, email, phone number, and message to contact the company. An image is also included to add visual appeal.
- The website is designed to be responsive and mobile-friendly, adapting its layout and design to different screen sizes and devices using media queries.
- Font Awesome: Used for icons.