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Tools in this repository were used to create the SC2ReSet: StarCraft II Esport Replaypack Set, and finally SC2EGSet: StarCraft II Esport Game State Dataset.


To install current version of the toolset as separate CLI tools run the following command:

pip install datasetpreparator[all]

After that each of the scripts should be available to call from the command line directly.

Dataset Preparation Steps

To reproduce our experience with defining a dataset and to be able to compare your results with our work we describe how to perform the processing below.

Using Docker

  1. Build the docker image from:
  2. Run the commands as described in the makefile. But first make sure that all of the script parameters are set according to your needs.

Using Python

  1. Obtain replays to process. This can be a replaypack or your own replay folder.
  2. Download latest version of SC2InfoExtractorGo, or build it from source.
  3. Optional If the replays that you have are held in nested directories it is best to use src/ This will copy the directory and place all of the files to the top directory where it can be further processed. In order to preserve the old directory structure, a .json file is created. The file contains the old directory tree to a mapping: {"replayUniqueHash": "whereItWasInOldStructure"}. This step is is required in order to properly use SC2InfoExtractorGo as it only lists the files immediately available on the top level of the input directory. SC2InfoExtractorGo.
  4. Optional Use the map downloader src/ to download maps that were used in the replays that you obtained. This is required for the next step.
  5. Optional Use the SC2MapLocaleExtractor to obtain the mapping of {"foreign_map_name": "english_map_name"} which is required for the SC2InfoExtractorGo to translate the map names in the output .json files.
  6. Perform replaypack processing using src/ with the SC2InfoExtractorGo placed in PATH, or next to the script.
  7. Optional Using the src/, rename the files that were generated in the previous step. This is not required and is done to increase the readibility of the directory structure for the output.
  8. Using the src/, create .zip archives containing the datasets and the supplementary files. By finishing this stage, your dataset should be ready to upload.


In order to specify different processing flags for please modify the src/sc2_replaypack_processor file directly

Command Line Arguments Usage

Each of the scripts has its usage described in their respective files.


This Repository

  author    = {Białecki, Andrzej and
               Białecki, Piotr and
               Krupiński, Leszek},
  title     = {{Kaszanas/SC2DatasetPreparator: 1.2.0
               SC2DatasetPreparator Release}},
  month     = {jun},
  year      = {2022},
  publisher = {Zenodo},
  version   = {1.2.0},
  doi       = {10.5281/zenodo.5296664},
  url       = {}

  author   = {Bia{\l}ecki, Andrzej
              and Jakubowska, Natalia
              and Dobrowolski, Pawe{\l}
              and Bia{\l}ecki, Piotr
              and Krupi{\'{n}}ski, Leszek
              and Szczap, Andrzej
              and Bia{\l}ecki, Robert
              and Gajewski, Jan},
  title    = {SC2EGSet: StarCraft II Esport Replay and Game-state Dataset},
  journal  = {Scientific Data},
  year     = {2023},
  month    = {Sep},
  day      = {08},
  volume   = {10},
  number   = {1},
  pages    = {600},
  issn     = {2052-4463},
  doi      = {10.1038/s41597-023-02510-7},
  url      = {}