Welcome to my personal portfolio website! This is a single-page web application that showcases my skills, projects, and experience as a web developer. It is designed with a clean and modern aesthetic and is fully responsive.
🌐 https://portfolio-three-kappa-90.vercel.app/
• Overview
• Technologies Used
• Sections
• Installation
This portfolio site highlights my journey as a web developer. It includes an “About” section, a skills page, and a projects page. The aim of this site is to present my work in web development and programming, along with providing a means for others to connect with me.
• CSS3
• Google Fonts (impact, Poppins)
• Font Awesome (for icons)
• vercel (for deployment)
- About Page
This section provides an introduction to who I am, my experience, and my passion for web development. It also includes a call to action to get in touch with me via email.
- Skills Page
The skills page showcases my proficiency in the following technologies:
• CSS3
• JavaScript
• C and C++
It includes visual representations of the technologies (logos) and a brief explanation of my experience with each.
- Projects Page
This section will display my notable projects once I have some to showcase. For now, it will serve as a placeholder for future work.
- Contact Page
A contact section for visitors to connect with me via email and social media profiles like GitHub and CodeChef.
To run this project locally, follow these steps:
1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/portfolio.git
2. Navigate to the project directory:
cd portfolio
3. Open index.html in your browser:
You can simply double-click on the index.html file or use a local server like Live Server (VSCode extension) to run the project.
• Icons by Font Awesome
• Fonts from Google Fonts