- Written by Yukiyasu Kamitani, April 16, 1999
- Modified by Mitsuaki Tsukamoto, November 15, 2016
Advantages of using MATLAB for image generation are:
- image as matrix: operation of images without "for" loop
- independent of platform
- mathematical transformation and analysis, combined with Image Processing Toolbox and Signal Processing Toolbox
- psychophysical experiment, combined with Psychophysics Toolbox (only for Mac)
Methods to generate 2D images as matrices using MATLAB are described here. 3D graphics is not covered.
White square (100x100 pix):
image = ones([100 100]);
% By default, 0 -> black, 1 -> white.
image = rand([100 100]);
Sine grating:
image = 0.5 * sin([1:100]')*ones(1,100) + 0.5*ones([100 100]);
X = ones(100,1)*[-50:49]; Y = [-50:49]'*ones(1,100);
Z = X.^2 + Y.^2;
% mesh(Z);
image = zeros([100 100]);
image(find(Z <= 50^2)) = 1;
Assign color by defining a color map (256x3).
%index [ R G B] (R, G, B = 0 - 1)
% 1 [ 0 0 0]
% 2 [ 0.1 0 1]
% :
% :
% 256 [ 0 1 0.5]
image = ones([100 100]); % square composed of index "1"s
colormap = [0:1/255:1]' * ones(1,3); % black (1)- white(256)
colormap(1,:) = [1 0 0]; % index "1" -> red
imshow(image, colormap);
% Load jpeg files
orgImage = imread('Pixel.jpg', 'jpg');
figure(1); imshow(orgImage);
% 2D FFT
fftImage = fftshift(fft2(orgImage)); % 2d fft
ampImage= abs(fftImage);
figure(2); imshow(ampImage, [0 10000 ]);
% Convolution (low-pass filtering)
filter = fspecial('gaussian',[10 10], 4); % gaussian kernel
filterImage = conv2(orgImage, filter); % convolution
figure(3); imshow(filterImage, [0 250]);
% 2D FFT of filtered image
fftFilterImage = fftshift(fft2(filterImage));
ampFilterImage= abs(fftFilterImage);
figure(4); imshow(ampFilterImage, [0 10000 ]);
This repository contains Matlab functions to generate pattern images and basic figures. Here is a list of the functions and basic usage.
Sine grating:
imageMatrix = sinGrating(vhSize, cyclesPer100Pix, orientation, phase, mean, amplitude)
% Example
imshow(sinGrating([100 100], 5, 45, 0, 0.5, 0.5));
Concentric sine pattern:
imageMatrix = sinConcentric(vhSize, cyclePer100pix, phase, mean, amplitude)
% Example
imshow(sinConcentric([100 100], 10, 0, 0.5, 0.5));
Gabor patch:
imageMatrix = gabor(vhSize, cyclesPer100Pix,orientation, phase, sigma , mean, amplitude)
% Example
imshow(gabor([100 100], 8, 45, 0, 6 , 0.5, 0.5));
Random dots:
imageMatrix = randDot(vhSize, dotSize, dotCol, backCol, density);
% Example
imshow(randDot([100 100], 5, 1, 0, 0.3));
Filled oval:
imageMatrix = drawOvalFill(BaseIm, TopLeft_BotRight, foreground)
% Example
imshow(drawOvalFill(ones(150, 150), [50 50 90 90], 0.5));
Frame Oval:
imageMatrix = drawOvalFrame(BaseIm, TopLeft_BotRight, foreground, frameWidth)
% Example
imshow(drawOvalFrame(ones(150, 150), [50 50 90 90], 0.5, 3));
Filled Rectangle:
imageMatrix = drawRectFill(BaseIm, TopLeft_BotRight, foreground)
% Example
imshow(drawRectFill(zeros (100,100), [20 20 50 50], 1));
Frame rectangle:
imageMatrix = drawRectFrame(BaseIm, TopLeft_BotRight, foreground, frameWidth)
% Example
imshow(drawRectFrame(zeros (100,100), [20 20 50 50], 1,1));
imageMatrix = drawLines(BaseIm, startPos_endPos, foreground, PenSize)
% Example
imshow(drawLines(zeros(200,200), [100 100 180 140], 0.5, [2 2]));
imageMatrix = drawPolygon(BaseIm, dotPos, foreground)
imshow(drawPolygon(ones(100,100), [10 10 ; 90 30 ; 90 90], 0.5));
contains subfunctions used in the functions in 'pattern' and 'drawing'
Neon color spreading:
radiusDisk = 35; % radius of disks
diskImage = drawOvalFill(zeros(200, 200), [50 50 50 50]+radiusDisk*[-1 -1 1 1], 1);
diskImage = drawOvalFill(diskImage, [150 50 150 50]+radiusDisk*[-1 -1 1 1], 1);
diskImage = drawOvalFill(diskImage, [50 150 50 150]+radiusDisk*[-1 -1 1 1], 1);
diskImage = drawOvalFill(diskImage, [150 150 150 150]+radiusDisk*[-1 -1 1 1], 1);
rectImage = drawRectFill(zeros(200,200), [40 40 160 160], 2);
neonImage = diskImage + rectImage + ones(200, 200);
% background: 1, pacman: 2, rectangle: 3, intersection: 4
colorMap = [0 0 0; 1 1 1; 0 0 0; 1 0 0]; % define color map for indices 1-4
imshow(neonImage, colorMap);
Random-dot stereogram
leftImage = randDot([200 200], 2, 1, 0, 0.5);
rightImage = leftImage;
smallRect = randDot([70 70], 2, 1, 0, 0.5); %square to be seen in depth
leftImage = imageOnImage(leftImage, smallRect, [100 100-10]);
rightImage = imageOnImage(rightImage, smallRect, [100 100+10]);
figure(1); imshow(leftImage);
figure(2); imshow(rightImage);
Image matrices can be used for presenting visual stimuli with Psychophysics Toolbox. Instead of imshow (imageMatrix):
Color map can be defined by:
SCREEN(windowPointer,'SetClut', colorMap);
Color values in color map of Psychophysics Toolbox are 0-255, not 0-1.