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Releases: Kame03/KPManager

KPManager 1.11

30 Jan 20:58
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Added PlaceholderAPI support for tab

pingInt config value is now obsolete and will no longer serve any purpose or work, from now on all the ping and player name configurations are located inside PlayerTabName value:

PlayerTabName: "&f{playerName} &7[{ping}]"

Now you can add PlaceholderAPI to it like this:

PlayerTabName: "%luckperms_prefix% &f{playerName} &7[{ping}]"

This will display players prefix from luckperms plugin, which you can use to create ranks, you can also use PlaceholderAPI in other texts that are for Tab also, but chat welcome messages still don't support PlaceholderAPI I will implement that in the future.

This plugin now softdepends on PlaceholderAPI plugin, which means it will work without it, but it requires PlaceholderAPI installed if you plan to use prefixes from PlaceholderAPI e.g. %luckperms_prefix%

Don't forget to reconfigure the PlayerTabName so it looks like you want or what your pingInt configuration looked like, this part you have to do manually.

KPManager 1.10

21 Jan 23:30
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Fixed ping issue, where ping would repeat itself.

KPManager 1.9

21 Jan 08:47
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  • Added bStats

KPManager 1.8

21 Jan 08:09
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We are excited to announce the release of an update for KPManager, a plugin for server management. This update includes several new features and improvements to enhance your server management experience.

  • Automatic update checker: The plugin will now automatically check for updates and remind you to update if a new version is found. This feature is available both in chat and in the console for your convenience.

  • Permission support: You can now control who can see update notifications by using permission support. This allows you to limit the visibility of update messages to certain players or groups.

  • Enhanced configuration options: When updating the plugin, new configuration options will be added to the existing config.yml file without overwriting any existing settings. This ensures that your current settings are preserved and you don't have to reconfigure the

  • dentification of plugin messages: To easily identify the plugin's messages, the plugin's name [KPManager] will be added to chat messages.

Please download the latest version of KPManager to access these new features and improvements. We hope you enjoy this update and we look forward to your feedback.

KPManager 1.7

17 Jan 17:20
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KPManager 1.7 Pre-release

We have released an update for KPManager, a plugin for server management. This update includes:

  • Automatic update checker: The plugin will remind you to update if a new version is found, both in chat and in the console.
  • Permission support: Control who can see update notifications.
  • Enhanced configuration options: When updating the plugin, new configuration options will be added to the existing config.yml file, without overwriting any existing settings.
  • dentification of plugin messages: The plugin's name [KPManager] will be added to chat messages for easy identification.

Please download the latest version of KPManager to access these new features and improvements.

KPManager 1.6

16 Jan 02:19
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KPManager 1.6 Pre-release

Optimized a lot around the code, Introduced a new function Tab Customization it lets users have custom tab Header and Footer and Ping. added couple of checks around the code to ensure that if config.yml values are null that it doesn't proceed, this will avoid console spam.

I've used in order to get the ping values.

This code was taken from xDefcon's spigot-ping project.
Original code can be found at
Original author: Luigi Martinelli (xDefcon)
This project uses the code under the terms of the license.

KPManager 1.5

15 Jan 23:23
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KPManager 1.5 Pre-release

I've gotten rid of build.yml as I decided that its better for me to manually test each release and upload a compiled jar, which of course if not trusted you can compile yourself using the source code.

  • Added config.yml, this plugin will now make a folder with the config.yml file where you can edit all the welcome messages.

KPManager 1.4

15 Jan 17:07
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KPManager 1.4 Pre-release

After refactoring this plugin I've forgotten to update the plugin.yml file to include new class names, so some previous releases won't work and I don't recommend using them, there shouldn't be the need to use older releases anyway when you can use the newest updated one which is better in all aspects. I apologize for that.

Added event.setJoinMessage(null); so that the original Minecraft's player has joined message is set to null, because we don't want that, we want to only have our own custom messages from this plugin.

  • Line 44 Condition 'country != null' is always 'true' simplified to '!country.isEmpty()'.
  • Refactored the plugin so that it's inside and changed all classes accordingly.
  • Added event.setJoinMessage(null); so that the original Minecraft's player has joined message is set to null, because we don't want that, we want to only have our own custom messages from this plugin.


  • Personalized welcome message for each player upon join.
  • Broadcast of player's country of origin to the entire server.


  • OkHttp for making HTTP requests
  • Jsoup for parsing XML responses

KPManager 1.3

15 Jan 16:40
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KPManager 1.3 Pre-release

Initial Release


  • Personalized welcome message for each player upon join.
  • Broadcast of player's country of origin to the entire server.


  • OkHttp for making HTTP requests
  • Jsoup for parsing XML responses