Demo here:
"Your Pomo." Chrome extension offers a straightforward Pomodoro Technique implementation with a 25-minute countdown timer for work sessions followed by a 5-minute break. Users can start, pause, and restart the timer without navigating to another timer tab, promoting work & study productivity.
P/s: for testing purpose, I already set default timing 2-minute focus time and 30-second break time.
Tech-stacks: React.js, MUI, Chrome API(s), HTML, CSS.
See the section about deployment for more information.
- Call Chrome API(s) asynchronously & use timing functions to handle counting down & pushing notifications without opening extension pop-up.
- Break the code down as much as possible.
- Chrome will play a role as an event listener to listen and resolve all requests (action) from our react server.
My application's sample:
"short_name": "React App",
"name": "Your Pomo.",
"manifest_version": 3,
"version": "1.0",
"description": "Description of your extension", // Change to your own description, for this app, I'd like to update: no more tabs, just stay focused.
"icons": {
"16": "pomodoro.png",
"32": "pomodoro.png",
"48": "pomodoro.png",
"128": "pomodoro.png"
"permissions": [
"notifications" // don't forget to add those fields, since forgetting will impact the activity of the whole extension.
"background": {
"service_worker": "service-worker.js" // since Google does not support manifest.json v2, we swith to the latest version v3 => now, our background script will be service-worker.js
"action": {
"default_popup": "index.html",
"default_title": "Open Extension"
For the extension noticing its context, don't forget to add /*global chrome*/
at the first line of each script. Without doing that, "chrome is undefined" will stop the app running.
Split logics & UI(s) by using hook. Right now, there is a hook called "useTimer" to set states & send requests to background script.
Referring to this library, we will reorder some components and customize those components with in-file style.
- Register your google account to access google developer.
- Read documentations to understand how to implement Chrome API.
- Each time making changes in "service-worker.js" & "manifest.json", compile it by running commmand
npm run build
. => Remove the extension from the developer dashboard & Load unpacked of "build" folder again. - Without updating "service-worker.js", just normally
npm run build
& reload the extension to see the updates of react components.
Add extension ID to your allowed website in Privacy Setting & Turn on Chrome notifications (your local desktop & laptop setting) to receive the notifications from Your Pomo.