Terr.a was inspired by the growing need for environmental education and climate awareness. Our goal was to create a platform that makes these topics accessible and engaging for everyone, especially younger generations.
Terr.a offers an immersive and highly interactive educational experience. Through 3D visualizations, users can explore geospatial data and understand environmental impacts in a fun and intuitive way.
To get started with Terr.a, follow these steps:
Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/terra.git cd terra
Build and Run the Client:
docker-compose up
Access Terr.a: Open your browser and go to
- Description: Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity's demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year.
- Link: Earth Overshoot Day
- Description: This day marks the date when we would exceed Earth's capacity if all inhabitants consumed like those of a given country.
- Description: Wheat is the most consumed cereal in the world. Discover the top 121 wheat-producing countries and the origin of wheat, a plant of the grass "Triticum".
- Link: Wheat Production by Country
- Description: A comprehensive dataset of CO2 emissions by country, using data from 2016.
- Link: CO2 Emissions by Country
- Description: Long-term changes in deforestation and current deforestation rates.
- Link: Deforestation
- Description: A powerful library for creating interactive 3D visualizations of the Earth's globe, ideal for exploring geospatial data.
- Link: Globe.gl