Currently, I'm looking to be a computer engineer at Universidade Veiga de Almeida. I have my bachelor's degree for 2027.
📕 I have some experiences in the area, but I no have a job. I'm a freelancer and searching a job, because this is my dream, I study all days to be a backend developer. All days, I update my projects and do a new projects.
💻 Today, I'm a analyst of e-commerce, and I work in for the IT part of the company, but not developing only... I did the implantation of the system, do some tools, and I take the doubts for the persons work with me . And this is a part of my day =). If you have a developer work, I can leave here, because my boss is a good person
🏫 In my University, I help my teacher teach arduino for the students who don't know to use or programming in Arduino IDE. The Arduino is a part of project of extension, the objective of this project is expand the class to do a real projects, not only in idea. You make the idea in reality, I help to do this, because I know how to do, and I love to programm and the technology. I have some personal projects using arduino, in the future, I will put some codes and photos here =).
My mail contact... [email protected]