Provides transcoding codecs for compression and decompression with LZ4. Source: LZ4 The compression algorithm is similar to the compression available through Blosc.jl, but uses the LZ4 Frame format as opposed to the standard LZ4 or LZ4_HC formats.
Codecs for the standard LZ4 and LZ4_HC formats are also provided as LZ4FastCompressor
and LZ4HCCompressor
These codecs follow the LZ4 streaming examples,
breaking the data into blocks and prepending each compressed block with a size.
Data compressed with these codecs can be decompressed with LZ4SafeDecompressor
and LZ4HCCompressor
output is not compatible with lz4frame and is platform dependent.
Non-streaming functions are included via lz4_compress
, lz4_hc_compress
, and lz4_decompress
These should work with most other standard lz4 implementations.
using CodecLz4
# Some text.
text = """
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin
mauris non nisi consectetur, a dapibus urna pretium. Vestibulum non posuere
erat. Donec luctus a turpis eget aliquet. Cras tristique iaculis ex, eu
malesuada sem interdum sed. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus
et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Etiam volutpat, risus nec gravida ultricies,
erat ex bibendum ipsum, sed varius ipsum ipsum vitae dui.
# Streaming API.
stream = LZ4FrameCompressorStream(IOBuffer(text))
for line in eachline(LZ4FrameDecompressorStream(stream))
# Array API.
compressed = transcode(LZ4FrameCompressor, text)
@assert sizeof(compressed) < sizeof(text)
@assert transcode(LZ4FrameDecompressor, compressed) == Vector{UInt8}(text)
The API is heavily based off of CodecZLib, and uses TranscodingStreams.jl. See those for details.