BSDiff v1.3.0
Merged pull requests:
- bump version to v1.2.1 (#47) (@StefanKarpinski)
- enable dependabot for GitHub actions (#48) (@ranocha)
- Bump compat for CodecBzip2, TranscodingStreams, and SuffixArrays (#49) (@nhz2)
- Add GitHub actions CI (#50) (@nhz2)
- Bump julia compat to 1.6 and test with Aqua (#51) (@nhz2)
- Fix 32 bit systems by explicitly using Int64 (#52) (@nhz2)
- Fixes for Julia 1.11 (#53) (@nhz2)
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4 to 5 (#54) (@dependabot[bot])
- Remove finalizer (#55) (@nhz2)
- bump version to v1.3.0 (#56) (@nhz2)