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# MLJ Cheatsheet

## Starting an interactive MLJ session

```@repl cheat
using MLJ
MLJ_VERSION # version of MLJ for this cheatsheet

## Model search and code loading

`info("PCA")` retrieves registry metadata for the model called "PCA"

`info("RidgeRegressor", pkg="MultivariateStats")` retrieves metadata
for "RidgeRegresssor", which is provided by multiple packages

`doc("DecisionTreeClassifier", pkg="DecisionTree")` retrieves the
model document string for the classifier, without loading model code

`models()` lists metadata of every registered model.

`models("Tree")` lists models with "Tree" in the model or package name.

`models(x -> x.is_supervised && x.is_pure_julia)` lists all supervised models written in pure julia.

`models(matching(X))` lists all unsupervised models compatible with input `X`.

`models(matching(X, y))` lists all supervised models compatible with input/target `X/y`.

With additional conditions:

models() do model
matching(model, X, y) &&
model.prediction_type == :probabilistic &&

`Tree = @load DecisionTreeClassifier pkg=DecisionTree` imports "DecisionTreeClassifier" type and binds it to `Tree`
`tree = Tree()` to instantiate a `Tree`.

`tree2 = Tree(max_depth=2)` instantiates a tree with different hyperparameter

`Ridge = @load RidgeRegressor pkg=MultivariateStats` imports a type for a model provided by multiple packages

For interactive loading instead, use `@iload`

## Scitypes and coercion

`scitype(x)` is the scientific type of `x`. For example `scitype(2.4) == Continuous`


type | scitype
`AbstractFloat` | `Continuous`
`Integer` | `Count`
`CategoricalValue` and `CategoricalString` | `Multiclass` or `OrderedFactor`
`AbstractString` | `Textual`

*Figure and Table for common scalar scitypes*

Use `schema(X)` to get the column scitypes of a table `X`

`coerce(y, Multiclass)` attempts coercion of all elements of `y` into scitype `Multiclass`

`coerce(X, :x1 => Continuous, :x2 => OrderedFactor)` to coerce columns `:x1` and `:x2` of table `X`.

`coerce(X, Count => Continuous)` to coerce all columns with `Count` scitype to `Continuous`.

## Ingesting data

Split the table `channing` into target `y` (the `:Exit` column) and
features `X` (everything else), after a seeded row shuffling:

using RDatasets
channing = dataset("boot", "channing")
y, X = unpack(channing, ==(:Exit); rng=123)

Same as above but exclude `:Time` column from `X`:

using RDatasets
channing = dataset("boot", "channing")
y, X = unpack(channing,
==(:Exit), # y is the :Exit column
!=(:Time); # X is the rest, except :Time

Splitting row indices into train/validation/test, with seeded shuffling:

`train, valid, test = partition(eachindex(y), 0.7, 0.2, rng=1234)` for 70:20:10 ratio

For a stratified split:

`train, test = partition(eachindex(y), 0.8, stratify=y)`

Split a table or matrix `X`, instead of indices:

`Xtrain, Xvalid, Xtest = partition(X, 0.5, 0.3, rng=123)`

Getting data from [OpenML](

`table = OpenML.load(91)`

Creating synthetic classification data:

`X, y = make_blobs(100, 2)` (also: `make_moons`, `make_circles`)

Creating synthetic regression data:

`X, y = make_regression(100, 2)`

## Machine construction

Supervised case:

`model = KNNRegressor(K=1)` and `mach = machine(model, X, y)`

Unsupervised case:

`model = OneHotEncoder()` and `mach = machine(model, X)`

## Fitting

`fit!(mach, rows=1:100, verbosity=1, force=false)` (defaults shown)

## Prediction

Supervised case: `predict(mach, Xnew)` or `predict(mach, rows=1:100)`

Similarly, for probabilistic models: `predict_mode`, `predict_mean` and `predict_median`.

Unsupervised case: `transform(mach, rows=1:100)` or `inverse_transform(mach, rows)`, etc.

## Inspecting objects

`@more` gets detail on the last object in REPL

`params(model)` gets a nested-tuple of all hyperparameters, even nested ones

`info(ConstantRegressor())`, `info("PCA")`, `info("RidgeRegressor",
pkg="MultivariateStats")` gets all properties (aka traits) of registered models

`info(rms)` gets all properties of a performance measure

`schema(X)` get column names, types and scitypes, and nrows, of a table `X`

`scitype(X)` gets the scientific type of `X`

`fitted_params(mach)` gets learned parameters of the fitted machine

`report(mach)` gets other training results (e.g. feature rankings)

## Saving and retrieving machines using Julia serializer

`"trained_for_five_days.jls", mach)` to save machine `mach` (without data)

`predict_only_mach = machine("trained_for_five_days.jlso")` to deserialize.

## Performance estimation

`evaluate(model, X, y, resampling=CV(), measure=rms, operation=predict, weights=..., verbosity=1)`

`evaluate!(mach, resampling=Holdout(), measure=[rms, mav], operation=predict, weights=..., verbosity=1)`

`evaluate!(mach, resampling=[(fold1, fold2), (fold2, fold1)], measure=rms)`

## Resampling strategies (`resampling=...`)

`Holdout(fraction_train=0.7, rng=1234)` for simple holdout

`CV(nfolds=6, rng=1234)` for cross-validation

`StratifiedCV(nfolds=6, rng=1234)` for stratified cross-validation

`TimeSeriesSV(nfolds=4)` for time-series cross-validation

or a list of pairs of row indices:

`[(train1, eval1), (train2, eval2), ... (traink, evalk)]`

## Tuning

### Tuning model wrapper

`tuned_model = TunedModel(model=…, tuning=RandomSearch(), resampling=Holdout(), measure=…, operation=predict, range=…)`

### Ranges for tuning (`range=...`)

If `r = range(KNNRegressor(), :K, lower=1, upper = 20, scale=:log)`

then `Grid()` search uses `iterator(r, 6) == [1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 20]`.

`lower=-Inf` and `upper=Inf` are allowed.

Non-numeric ranges: `r = range(model, :parameter, values=…)`

Nested ranges: Use dot syntax, as in `r = range(EnsembleModel(atom=tree), :(atom.max_depth), ...)`

Can specify multiple ranges, as in `range=[r1, r2, r3]`. For more range options do `?Grid` or `?RandomSearch`

### Tuning strategies

`RandomSearch(rng=1234)` for basic random search

`Grid(resolution=10)` or `Grid(goal=50)` for basic grid search

Also available: `LatinHyperCube`, `Explicit` (built-in), `MLJTreeParzenTuning`, `ParticleSwarm`, `AdaptiveParticleSwarm` (3rd-party packages)

#### Learning curves

For generating a plot of performance against parameter specified by `range`:

`curve = learning_curve(mach, resolution=30, resampling=Holdout(), measure=…, operation=predict, range=…, n=1)`

`curve = learning_curve(model, X, y, resolution=30, resampling=Holdout(), measure=…, operation=predict, range=…, n=1)`

If using Plots.jl:

`plot(curve.parameter_values, curve.measurements, xlab=curve.parameter_name, xscale=curve.parameter_scale)`

## Controlling iterative models

Requires: `using MLJIteration`

`iterated_model = IteratedModel(model=…, resampling=Holdout(), measure=…, controls=…, retrain=false)`

### Controls

Increment training: `Step(n=1)`

Stopping: `TimeLimit(t=0.5)` (in hours), `NumberLimit(n=100)`, `NumberSinceBest(n=6)`, `NotANumber()`, `Threshold(value=0.0)`, `GL(alpha=2.0)`, `PQ(alpha=0.75, k=5)`, `Patience(n=5)`

Logging: `Info(f=identity)`, `Warn(f="")`, `Error(predicate, f="")`

Callbacks: `Callback(f=mach->nothing)`, `WithNumberDo(f=n->@info(n))`, `WithIterationsDo(f=i->@info("num iterations: $i"))`, `WithLossDo(f=x->@info("loss: $x"))`, `WithTrainingLossesDo(f=v->@info(v))`

Snapshots: `Save(filename="machine.jlso")`

Wraps: `MLJIteration.skip(control, predicate=1)`, `IterationControl.with_state_do(control)`

## Performance measures (metrics)

Do `measures()` to get full list.

`info(rms)` to list properties (aka traits) of the `rms` measure

## Transformers

Built-ins include: `Standardizer`, `OneHotEncoder`, `UnivariateBoxCoxTransformer`, `FeatureSelector`, `FillImputer`, `UnivariateDiscretizer`, `ContinuousEncoder`, `UnivariateTimeTypeToContinuous`

Externals include: `PCA` (in MultivariateStats), `KMeans`, `KMedoids` (in Clustering).

`models(m -> !m.is_supervised)` to get full list

## Ensemble model wrapper

`EnsembleModel(atom=…, weights=Float64[], bagging_fraction=0.8, rng=GLOBAL_RNG, n=100, parallel=true, out_of_bag_measure=[])`

## Target transformation wrapper

`TransformedTargetModel(model=ConstantClassifier(), target=Standardizer())`

## Pipelines

`pipe = (X -> coerce(X, :height=>Continuous)) |> OneHotEncoder |> KNNRegressor(K=3)`


`pipe = Standardizer |> OneHotEncoder`


`pipe1 |> pipe2` or `model |> pipe` or `pipe |> model`, etc

## Define a supervised learning network:

`Xs = source(X)`
`ys = source(y)`

... define further nodal machines and nodes ...

`yhat = predict(knn_machine, W, ys)` (final node)

## Exporting a learning network as a stand-alone model:

Supervised, with final node `yhat` returning point predictions:

@from_network machine(Deterministic(), Xs, ys; predict=yhat) begin
mutable struct Composite

Here `network_pca` and `network_knn` are models appearing in the
learning network.

Supervised, with `yhat` final node returning probabilistic predictions:

@from_network machine(Probabilistic(), Xs, ys; predict=yhat) begin
mutable struct Composite

Unsupervised, with final node `Xout`:

@from_network machine(Unsupervised(), Xs; transform=Xout) begin
mutable struct Composite

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