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--=[ PrEsENtZ ]=--

--=[ AwS CLouD NeTWoRkiNg SuiTE 3000 ]=--

--=[ #StayUp ]=--

NEW Dual Stack TNT Architecture!

Dual Stack Terraform Networking Trifecta Demo

  • Compose a dual stack hub and spoke Transit Gateway using Tiered VPC-NG (at v1.0.2) and Centralized Router (at v1.0.2) modules.
  • Requires IPAM Pools for IPv4 and IPv6 cidrs.
  • Validate connectivity with EC2 instances.

TNT Architecture!

Terraform Networking Trifecta Demo

  • Compose a hub and spoke Transit Gateway using Tiered VPC-NG (at v1.0.1) and Centralized Router (at v1.0.1) modules.
  • IPv4 only (no IPAM).
  • Validate connectivity with EC2 instances.

Super Router!

Super Router Demo

  • Compose a decentralized hub and spoke Transit Gateway using Tiered VPC-NG (at v1.0.1), Centralized Router (at v1.0.1), and Super Router (at v1.0.0) modules.
  • IPv4 only (no IPAM).
  • Validate connectivity with AWS Route Analyzer.

Full Mesh Trio!

Full Mesh Trio Demo

  • Compose a Full Mesh Transit Gateway across 3 regions using Tiered VPC-NG (at v1.0.1), Centralized Router (at v1.0.1) and Full Mesh Trio (at v1.0.0) modules.
  • Includes an VPC peering examples within a full mesh configuration for high traffic workloads to save on cost using the VPC Peering Deluxe module (at v1.0.0).
  • IPv4 only (no IPAM).
  • Validate connectivity with AWS Route Analyzer.

Mega Mesh!

Mega Mesh Demo

  • Compose a Full Mesh Transit Gateway across 10 regions using Tiered VPC-NG (at v1.0.1), Centralized Router (at v1.0.1) and Mega Mesh (at v1.0.0) modules.
  • IPv4 only (no IPAM).
  • Validate connectivity with AWS Route Analyzer.


  • Sometimes I'll blog about ideas at
  • All modules are first developed in the terraform-modules repo.
  • The most useful modules are published to the Public Terraform Registry.
  • All demos include an example of generating security group rules for inter-region and cross-region VPCs for each TGW configuration.
  • The Centralized Router module is an implementation of the AWS Centralized Router concept but without VPN Gateway or Direct Connect, only VPCs.
  • Available AZs (a,b,c etc) in a region are different per AWS account (ie. your us-west-2a is not the same AZ as my us-west-2a) so it's possible you'll need to change the AZ letter for a VPC if the provider is saying it's not available for the region.
  • There is no overlapping CIDR detection inter-region or cross-region so it's important that the VPC's network and subnet CIDRs are allocated correctly.


  • New dual stack versions of Tiered VPC-NG and Centralized Router at v1.0.2

    • Requires IPAM Pools for IPv4 and IPv6 cidrs. (Previous versions were IPv4 only.)
    • New v1.0.1 version for IPv4 Intra VPC Security Group Rule module is updated to provide support for IPv4 secondary cidrs.
    • New v1.0.0 IPv6 Intra VPC Security Group Rule module.
    • New Dual Stack Terraform Networking Trifecta Demo.
    • Now that the base IPv4 networking modules also supports IPv4 secondary cidrs and IPv6 cidrs with auto routing, I plan to build dual stack implementations for Full Mesh Trio, VPC peering deluxe, IPv6 version of Full Mesh Intra VPC Security Group Rules and then, eventually, Mega Mesh. Looks like it's going be a long haul.
  • Demos have been updated to use Tiered VPC-NG and Centralized Router at v1.0.1.

    • This version now only uses the AWS 5.x provider.
    • Demonstrates using private subnets only, public subnets only or both using special = true on either subnet per AZ.
    • Build a NATGW for all private subnets by adding natgw = true to any public subnet.
    • Is still compatible with all other modules at v1.0.0 (super router, full mesh trio, mega mesh etc)
    • No provided move blocks for migration path to Tiered VPC-NG v1.0.1 so it's best to start fresh.
    • It's possible you might need to run terraform init -upgrade in each demo to upgrade to the latest 5.x provider.
    • Or run terraform get -update to refresh module code.
  • Visual inspiration to spice up the concept: