I learned a lot from this app: Spent a lot of time studying:
migrations & referencial integrity (see the schema with its foreign keys and extra indexes
Devise internals (Took me way too long to figure out why I couldn't find Devise's controllers or views in /bin)
Rails views & partials (I'm particularly proud of my use of content_for to inject controller specific content into a layout partial)
Rspec (but just for routing xD) & human readable urls (I wasted so much time on this. I think I developed three different systems)
semantic CSS, CSS gotchas (those 4 px around
elements /shudders), and the tradeoffs between modern best practices (flexbox) and browser support.
In the beginning, this app was supposed to be so much more than this, but I was never able to identify exactly
what that was, and drive and ambition gave way to doubt and minutiae. Still, I'm grateful for everything I
learned from this experience.