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A Tensor Train Decompostion methods for Graph Neural Network (Embedding)


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Observation & Contribution

  • Training larger graph at a time will give more a accurate result (FullNeighbor if possible)
    • But a tradeoff appeared, should consider the gradient loss as well
  • A larger embedding table before GNN -> More tt-cores
  • A one-time preprocessing step is required. Key idea is to align graph topological information with the TT data structure (customized partitioning)
  • Reorder the graph nodes based on the partition results (nodes in the same partition will have continuous indices)
  • Efficient TT Table for index computation reused
# Step - 1: embedding layer init
self.embed_layer = TTEmbeddingBag(num_embeddings=num_nodes, embedding_dim=in_feats)
# init tt_cores
tt_cores = get_ortho()
self.embed_layer.tt_cores[i].data = th.tensor(tt_cores[i]).to(device)
# Step - 2: forward 
h = self.embed_layer(input_nodes, offsets)
for l, (layer, block) in enumerate(zip(self.layers, blocks)):
    # copy the representation of nodes on the RHS from the appropriate nodes on the LHS.
    h_dst = h[:block.num_dst_nodes()]
    h = layer(block, (h, h_dst)) # h = layer(block, h_dst)


  • Mannaully install the correct torch+cuda version in requirements.txt and then try run pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • Setup the custom cuda kernel:
$ cd FBTT
$ python install

$ cd Efficient_TT
$ python install

How to run

We recommand run the model with the, but to test each module, try run it seperately. Note: if you failed with the profiling with "Failed to open/create lock file (path)", try: sudo sysctl fs.protected_regular=0 to allow other users to access the tmp directory or simply use a different temporary directory.

  • With the scirpt:
# Run with GraphSAGE, dataset: ogbn-products, FBTT
$ ./ fbtt-products

# Run with GCN, dataset: ogbn-arxiv, FBTT
$ ./ gcn

# Run with GAT, dataset: ogbn-arxiv, FBTT
$ ./ gat

  • Without the script:
# With the logs
$ python3 --use-sample --use-tt --epochs 2 --device "cuda:0" --logging

# With eff TT opt
$ python3 --use-sample --use-tt --epochs 2 --device "cuda:0" --partition 125 --tt-rank "16,16" --p-shapes "125,140,140" --q-shapes "4,5,5" --batch 2 --emb-name "eff"

# Train Full Graph Cora
$ python3 --dataset cora --device "cuda:0" 


We use nsight-compute for the profiling:


$ ncu --set roofline -f -o sage_fbtt python3 --use-sample --use-tt --epochs 1 --device "cuda:1" --partition 125 --tt-rank "16,16" --p-shapes "125,140,140" --q-shapes "4,5,5" --batch 2048 --emb-name "fbtt"

$ ncu --metrics sass__inst_executed_shared_loads,sass__inst_executed_global_loads -f -o sage_fbtt python3 --use-sample --use-tt --epochs 1 --device "cuda:1" --partition -1 --tt-rank "16,16" --p-shapes "125,140,140" --q-shapes "4,5,5" --batch 2048 --emb-name "fbtt"


Dataset #Node #Edge #Label FeatLen
ogbn-arxiv 169,343 1,166,243 40 128
ogbn-products 2,449,029 61,859,140 47 100
ogbn-papers100M 111,059,956 1,615,685,872 172 128

GNNSAGE Settings

Dataset Notes MemoryGPU (MB) #Epochs #BatchSize TestAcc (%) SamplingSize Runtime (s)
ogbn-products Baseline 5923.5 2 1024 70.46% [5, 10, 15] 26.88
ogbn-products FullNeighbor 16659.5 / 1024 / / /
ogbn-products NoTT-Sample-1 8555.3 2 1024 74.49% [30, 50, 100] 481.74
ogbn-products NoTT-Sample-2 5900.1 2 1024 29.52% [1, 1, 1] 20.21
ogbn-products NoTT-FullNeighbor-1 15152.3 2 128 72.09% / 13118.90
ogbn-products NoTT-Sample-3 5902.9 2 128 70.99% [5, 10, 15] 66.33
ogbn-products NoTT-Sample-3(metis-128) 5925.1 2 1024 72.11% [5, 10, 15] 33.10
ogbn-products NoTT-Sample-4 5914.6 2 128 68.7% [5, 5, 10] 26.39
ogbn-products TTD-Embeddings-5(metis-128) 711.0 2 1024 69.34% [5, 10, 15] 56.89
ogbn-products TTD-Embeddings-5(rcmk) 710.1 2 1024 71.47% [5, 10, 15] 58.14
  • NoTT-Sample-4 and TTD-Embeddings-4(R16) have similar TestAcc with the same batchsize and epoch settings. TTD saved 8x memory space but 50% Runtime drop.
  • NoTT-Sample-3 gives even higher test acc but with more sampling neighbors in the second layer, slower runtime. TTD will save 8x memory and also gain 1.23x runtime speedup
  • TTD-EMbeddings-5 partition with METIS-128 and TTD-Embedding-5 with rcmk offer quite well test acc (compared with only sampling), but with 2.11x speeddown (53% runtime drop)
  • A demo test result: 0.3430ms (Embeddding), 12.5878ms (FBTT), 3.8593ms(Effi)

Hyperparameters (so far)

We use nevergrad to tune our weights as well as the tt_ranks

  • tt_rank
  • partition
  • init
  • fan_out

For the TTEmbeddingBag() setting, we follow:

## ...
assert len(self.tt_p_shapes) >= 2
assert len(self.tt_p_shapes) <= 4
assert len(tt_ranks) + 1 == len(self.tt_p_shapes)
assert len(self.tt_p_shapes) == len(self.tt_q_shapes)

Memcheck for debugging

compute-sanitizer --tool memcheck ... --save cuda_mem_log

Fusion and caching

TTEmbeddingBag -> init (cache_size, hashtbl) -> register to List[torch.Tensor] -> cache_state, cache_freq, hashtbl, cache_optimizer_state, cache_weight[cache_size, embedding_dim] forward() preprocess_indicesi_sync(), warmup statge -> cuda_kernel_lookup(), cub::DevicePartition::Flagged() -> index for uncompressed embedding table and index for TT cores TTLookupFunction() -> pack the tensors -> tt_embeddings.tt_forward(), tt_embeddings.cache_forward()

  • The uncached index row will be computed by tt_forward(), the others will be lookup by calling cache_forward() - the uncompressed embeddings table

indices, input_nodes: A minibatch sample graph (block[0].shape[0]) rowidx: index required to train tableidx: index already been cached B: The first shape of the input_nodes num_embeddings: The whole size of the graph (nfeat.shape[0]) D, embedding_size: feature size (nfeat.shape[1])

nnz_cached: cached index cache_loacation

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 ncu --metrics dram_bytes_read,gpu_time_duration --clock-control none -o ncu-tt-test -f --target-processes all python


A Tensor Train Decompostion methods for Graph Neural Network (Embedding)







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